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Everything posted by gateb

  1. That's what I was thinking. A less athletic version of Keyshawn. Can help Plax fix up his skills and become a better, more consistent WR while making an impact himself. I don't think Smith getting better while Proehl was a Panther was a coincidence...
  2. I bet Blackburn will wear that neck thing behind his neck, the one Bryan Cox used to wear.
  3. Despite him really getting up there in age, he is the type of clutch WR I would love to have catch balls from Eli. And he would accept playing 3rd WR also. He would be a cheaper version of Keyshawn with less ability possibly.
  4. Nice points, I hope you are right by Sanchez. I personally never saw him much before so I guess I'll get my first look at him this season. I just wish we could have more depth in the starting rotation though.
  5. RELATIVE upside, at WR. He's got size and speed which is an upside compared to some people who may be available in the 7th round. I'm not a big time Robinson fan, never saw him play as a a matter of fact. And if there is someone better than him in the 7th round, take him. I'm not on the Robinson bandwagon, just to straighten this out.
  6. From the Seahaws to the Jets. Interesting transition.
  7. For a 12 team lineup you have very solid potential but I don't think it's worth being too thrilled over though. You'll be a candidate for the top 3 spots though if everything goes right.
  8. Yeah right dipshit Yankees fan
  9. The one that ran for like 500 yards in the last month of the year combined with an extremely talented back in Brown? Yeah, great logic there.
  10. No matter how Tiki fairs, I wouldn't be surprised if we gave Jacobs 10-15 carries a game. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if we turned into that run it 40 times a game type of offense. Obviously, I would want still a great deal of passing but there may be a chance we can turn our offense into doing that. I think our blocking strength is run blocking, even though we are good at pass blocking.
  11. If you missed it stellar, my request is in the request thread
  12. Barber will run for 150 yards in the first quarter against the Chiefs
  13. I recently saw the Skins highlight, the first play of the game which he dropped. That was horrendous. Heard he didn't do much better after that either. It's not the fact that some of these balls weren't catchable and his stats went down that bothered me. It was his attitude. It's not TOish or anything, I believe he is very good with the media. But I saw it up close about the effort that Plax gave out. I can say that from the Vikings game on aside from the Raiders game, he gave 65% or around there every game on his routes. He showed obvious frustration and because of that did not run as hard on his routes. It was just as much Eli's fault as Plax, but he has that attitude and lack of consistently showing upt hat's got me questioning if he really is a true #1 WR or not.
  14. I remember someone brought up the point a little while ago that we give these random player's tests for future reference if this guy is available in FA in like five years or something like that.
  15. For a seventh round pick when you do have those attributes, it is considered that you have relative upside. Obviously, the concept is overrused but in this scenario when we are talking about it for 7th rounders, it applies for Robinson.
  16. Only Wild Card? I'm thinking bigger baby!
  17. Argh my bad, I stopped reading by the second paragraph
  18. Sorry, I have no attention span to determine this myself. Can you put these guys into their scheduled positions?
  19. Trading Seo was retarded but I agree with trading Benson. Wish we got something better out of that deal though. And not many players in the majors these days are first round picks. 7th round is relatively high when you think about it and see the other players in the majors these days.
  20. He's at work until 6:10 so it really doesn't matter with him. Maybe my Mets fan friend can take me home early and we could watch the game together or something like that. I wanna watch this game
  21. I think Plax has tremendous ability and I like his talent a lot but as of now, I really don't consider him a true #1 WR. Very talented but he hasn't shown qualities of a true #1. He hasn't been consistent, hasn't showed up to every game, etc. He also had that horrible Christmas Eve game against the Skins. No point to the Javon arguement though. That is just hypothetical. I do want a WR though that can actually make Plax more motivated and get him to become more consistent.
  22. But they did have an upside... they just never worked out. And espcially since we signed Harris, we aren't going to be drafting a QB, maybe sign a vet though.
  23. We'd have to sign Buckner, Lavar, and another LB for that to happen.
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