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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Okay, I'm thinking of trading Pujols and Bonderman for Teixera, Bobby Crosby, and Dan Haren. I would do it right off the bat if Teixera didn't suck so bad in the WBC. Now I'm going to hold off a week to see how he starts.
  2. It's been going up by five every year the past few years. It's getting annoying
  3. I haven't seen enough of Milledge and Hernandez to really know what we could do with them. But Hernandez seems to be either a #2 hitter or #6 hitter. I'd rather have him #2, Beltran #3, Wright #4, and Milledge #5. Keep in mind there are going to be big FAs available for us.
  4. If this would happen, I would be performing cartwheels. If it could start raining at 12:45 and delay the game until 2:40.... I mean this as no harm to the many that go but for my own selfish needs of wanting to watch this game.
  5. In the future when he adapts to major league pitching, our lineup is going to be fun to watch. Reyes Hernandez Beltran Wright Milledge That was in no particular order but that actually could work anyway.
  6. Haha, very true. I went to bed cursing last night.
  7. If you want to post that stuff, here's the place to post it.
  8. The problem is, isn't Lo Duca a premium double play candidate? If Randolph really has balls, he puts Hernandez in the #2 hole.
  9. Anyone want to scroll down?
  10. And we scored what, 30 points in the second half in super bowl 21?
  11. The Star Ledger article said he had a bruised buttocks I'm looking forward to your Yankee game day threads so cal dub. It's always a sight to see.
  12. Last I checked, age doesn't play too much of a factor when it comes to hands. And Proehl was never known as a burner anyway so if he loses a step he still has good enough game to be a reliable target for us. I'll take him for a low price.
  13. I don't remember but weren't there rumors that Giambi took roids even before he signed with the Yanks? I remember that last year fans were pissed at the Yanks for not doing research on Giambi or providing incentives on his contract if he did take steroids.
  14. Arroyo dominated the Sox today. 0 runs, 7 IP, 3 hits.
  15. Because looking at his forty time which was 4.56, late round worthy, and his height which was 6'2, he sort of reminds me of Hines Ward coming out of college, who was a couple inches shorter and ran a 4.47 40 time. Not saying that this is a true comparison and Robinson will catch 100 passes with the team he gets drafted by but there are remote similarities...
  16. No, I got the image of TO leading the orchestra on the niners bench or something like that smiling. That was the first day I really started to hate TO....
  17. Yeah, I think Greisen is the perfect fit in NE or at least, the best fit.
  18. Although that was a terrible play on Shockey's part, when you are up by 24 in the middle of the third quarter in the playoffs you have to win the game, period. It was pitiful overall.
  19. I remember clearly that you were calling for a guy like this a while ago, that guy was Patten but I'm sure you'd be more then happy iwht Proehl. And especially since we re-signed Carter, it can afford to get us more of a possession type WR for a year or two to help mentor some of our WRs and also give us some clutch catches along the way.
  20. That's a lot of money!
  21. I've seen a couple of his posts. I could concur with you there.
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