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Everything posted by gateb

  1. First of all, Panthers WRs will get open when Keyshawn and Smith are the top 2 WRs. Second of all, do you have the least bit of modesty? Technically, you made the pick
  2. They didn't want to overpay him.
  3. Then why did Yankees fans respond so nicely to Damon today?
  4. Yes, but the arguement was that was he drafted by the Yanks, and then spent a few years in the farm system and eventually called up like Wang, Cano, etc. I think Crosby's an okay player too. But if you are trying to use him as an example of why the Yankees farm system is stacked, then you are reaching quite a bit. He's a solid player. But that wind up looks like an injury waiting to happen. Good stuff but he should change his throwing motion. Nick, yes. Vazquez was just a complete bust for you guys. But why Soriano? Now, the A-rod deal looks even better for you because now in return, the Rangers got Wilkerson and a couple of others. And with the way Alfonso is acting up in Washington and how much he strikes out, I would take A-rod over him in a heartbeat. Especially now that the Yanks have Cano to replace Soriano. Come on. A-rod or Boone? Take your pick. How does he fit better in the lineup? And, he was going to be out for the season anyway with that knee injury. Halsey's decent but in part of a Randy Johnson trade I would get rid of him in a second.
  5. Crosby? Small did not come straight from their farm system, he's like 33. I know it's early but it appears Wang is having a little trouble so far this season. It only took Steinbrenner 30 years to realize he can build a world series team around his farm system and some signings here and there.
  6. Wow, getting defensive about these guys already? Interesting.
  7. It has seemed the past couple of years or so, the NFL has tried more and more to protect offensive players with flags, fines, etc. So if a tackle is made by a defensive player that appears to be a horsecollar but really isn't according to NFL rules, but the player is down holding his leg in obvious, not acting pain, a flag may be thrown.
  8. I'm pumped baby! edit: I'm not sure what my plans are for tomorrow but I'll let you know if I could help...
  9. Come on, I wasn't posting THAT much yesterday.
  10. I'd be fine with this draft but I doubt Whitner would fall down that low and... we don't have a 6th rounder. Sounds like a last minute write up to me.
  11. And the refs always follow the rule book?
  12. Have you looked at his mid to late round picks the last few years or so? He has picked some really good guys.
  13. Actually, the rule is based off of one thing. Is the player in pain, or did he pop right back up? If Tiki didn't come back up after what we thought was a horse collar by roy but in actuality, was not an official horse collar, the penalty may still be called.
  14. Again, I don't think the Browns are playing to win now. They need a stupendous NT who can help them for the next 10 years and Ted Washington is just a guy who can fill up the spot for a year, and he won't even be that effective anyway. I've seen mock drafts that have Lawson going in the second round to the Eagles.
  15. Bannister looks solid so far. Can you could tell too that he didn't have his best command either.
  16. Awesome, and I mean awesome game. Everything went right. Not so smooth in the ninth but Wagner is still getting his groove so hopefully he'll pull it together.
  17. That's okay, I've got David Wright today.
  18. Day off, he's in a minor slump, and Willis was pitching.
  19. No, I've got a really really good feeling about this
  20. What movie is that from?
  21. Yes, Teixera got a hit. 7/7
  22. Yeah, we're Mets fans, we're gonna get ahead of ourselves. But do you think that there is a need to feel optimistic, after the last 5 years?
  23. Well, if healthy and living up to potential, Lavar could be one of the best in the league. He could put our defense at the next level. Talent wise, we could give even the best offense fits.
  24. Favre needs to leave now for his sake and the Packers sake. Even if they do sign Lavar and/or Woodson, they most likely aren't going to seriously contend this year AND they will keep Rodgers on the bench.
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