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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Keep in mind that this is a team that has Wright struggling, and Beltran and Floyd out right now. Not really toatlly surprising we lost two out of three but still leaves a sting nonetheless. We could more then make up for this with a solid series at turner field.
  2. gateb

    Andruw Jones

    Sad thing was that was an okay pitch by Glavine. But at some point with no Chipper in there, just walk the guy. The worst feeling is when you get beat single handedly by one offensive player in baseball. Not as if our hitting helped either. Woodward has our last two RBIS
  3. According to my cell phone update. We also called up Kaz Matsui. Perfect time for a long road trip for Kaz. Call the exterminator, we've got the injury bug
  4. Yeah because the As would really take Zambrano Billy Beane's going to be tough to get players out of like always.
  5. Well, if it wasn't for the panic button, you guys wouldn't have Cano.
  6. It's not as if the guys you've traded have been studs either.
  7. When did it become problems? All I said in that first statement was questions.
  8. Some of the games off the top of my head.... ND, UCLA, Championship game, were the only games I got to see all of them live. Of course I saw Fresno highlights and usually catch his highlights after most of his games. That's just in 2005 though. Never said the Giants based purely on pedigree. I just said that the pedigree contributed to the hype he received going out of college. Your first sentence is exactly what I've been stating during this entire debate. Some level, not solely because of his name.
  9. Are they receiving durability questions from analysts and scouts? Just quoting what was reported. I'm not saying I listen to everything they say but they gave good reason for Bush to have those question marks. I've used the word durability in one thread then I had in my entire life.
  10. Sounds like he really wants to come back.
  11. Well, I hate the Jets so I can't say the same. Give him to Houston where we only have to worry about him his rookie year then four years later. If he does go to Houston, it makes this year's game at the meadowlands more intriguing.
  12. I almost forgot who we traded this douchebag for. Doesn't help me much more
  13. Why can't the Mets have this good of a skin
  14. Except we never really saw this guy get battered around like the guys like Martin, Barber, etc. So it's more speculation than anything else. Just to throw this out there, these are my first negative posts on Bush, and I wouldn't even call these negative. He is going to be great barring injuries or any other unexpected thing. I'm very relieved he is not going to be a Jet. Very relieved.
  15. In April, no fan can be satisfied totally. This is more of a month to see what you have and obtain some momentum, not get a great record. Sure the wins are great but April is really the second month of spring training except it counts in the box score and in the standings.
  16. Get Zambrano 7 innings today and then bring in Julio for two innings no matter how bad he does. I had a feeling we were due for one of these games anyway. Off of Pedro's 200th, Beltran and Floyd out, and of course Zambrano pitching. At least I get my fantasy in Jones.
  17. I used to think that this would be a great move seeing that Rick Peterson could fix him up for us but seeing how he's faired with the Zambrano project... I'm not as optimistic. If we trade for him, it's more of an emergency trade then anything else at this rate. I like Zito a lot but we need pitching ASAP.
  18. Except when it comes to closer's entrance song
  19. Wow... not a good night in NY
  20. gateb

    Who is Nady?

    Keep in mind that Nady started out just as hot last year for SD. I like him a lot so far but let's not consider this a win for us just yet. Mets have experienced stranger things.
  21. I have to agree. The absolute best case scenario which I doubt will happen is Julio suddenly posesses a 96 MPH fastball and all the things are finally coming for him, allowing us to put faith in him to become a setup man with Duaner and move Heilman to rotation. But not only is that to risky, it's not happening either. I heard Pelfrey's looked pretty good so far in Triple AAA
  22. It makes me feel a little bit better that Johnson has absolutely sucked so far tonight but I'm getting pretty sick of Zambrano. Either we make a deal at the deadline or prematurely call up a pitcher.
  23. No, when I say that his durability is in question, I mean we aren't sure about it. Not that he'll be a 4 year superstar then drop out of the leage in his 20s. No I never said that and I don't believe that. All I said was that his durability was in question. No guarantees, nothing of what you said. All I am suggesting is that if there is one question mark in this kid's game, it's his durability. That's all. No need to blow a quote like that out of proportion.
  24. I said could be a Hines Ward. I don't recall saying reminded. If I did, then I was overstating. Yes, I did read over that definition but I already knew durable is considered with injuries. My point was that it also could be considered long lasting, which in fact is part of the definition. Did you notice that I said one of the defintions? You can't say pedigree didn't take part in the drafting of Eli. Even if it was at a minimum, I couldn't hear enough about guys like Mort and Salisbury bringing up Peyton in pre-draft specials in 2004. It's not as if Jarrett put up amazing Heisman worthy numbers in college like Eli did. Pedigree did contribute to the Eli pick even if it wasn't that much of a major factor. You are looking at my pedigree statement way too seriously. I never implied that the only reason Eli was #1 was because of the pedigree and that if his name was Ross he'd be a day two pick if he's lucky. I was just listing one of the many contributing factors to Eli's hype.
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