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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I thought he actually came on down the stretch last season.
  2. One thing I credit him is showing tremendous poise under pressure and on the road at times. Of course, he has had his momentary flashes of very nice passes and great plays but nothing over a long span of time. I can't say I could expect that in the first full season.
  3. The Ravens appear to be ready to make a run for the Super Bowl this year and possibly the next 15 with this draft.
  4. Personally, I could care less about MVPs and Pro Bowls and that crap. That's for him, not the franchise and the fans. Sure it's something we could be proud of him for but if he wins Super Bowls, I don't care what we gave up for him.
  5. He's also white Shockey at times can act like a thug but it's not that frequent, at least not as much as Plax.
  6. gateb

    Who is Nady?

    Yeah, when he looks good. Nady's going to go through a 1-23 slump or something like that this year. Bank on it.
  7. I don't get why people are talking of 3-4 right now. Not only do we not have proper personnel for it, we also don't have 3 true LBS right now, much less 4.
  8. On ESPN 2 the announcers said that his contract expires at the end of this year. Personally, I would love to get this guy for a 3 or four year deal. Thoughts?
  9. I WISH!! I got this nice deal on Mets.com for 3.99 a month. Baiscally sends me home run updats whenever either team gets a homer or when a final is announced. It comes in handy when I go out with my friends. 20 minutes after the game it sent me this. Not really.... and at the way our lineup is going the last couple of days, we could use a change of pace. Who knows, it's New York. Maybe Matsui will start out .350.
  10. Saw another blog and he said that the Giants are having a pre-draft conference tomorrow and if anything, he believes that Lavar will be signed tomorrow or at least before this weekend. Let's wait and see.
  11. Hafner got a hit. Go Peralta!
  12. I think this is an interesting deal for both sides both with its pros and cons. With San Fran, I somewhat disagree. It's great to get another first rounder but in a draft as deep as this one with a team with as many needs as the 9ers do, they could maybe have used those second and third rounders and maybe could've made a different deal to obtain another first rounder. But I really can't say it's a bad move on their part. It just has its questions but it could very well be a spectacular trade. We just have to wait and see. I don't see the point in this trade for Denver really. They trade down 15 slots and only get a 68th pick. I think they could've like the 49ers had a different deal setup and possibly instead of trading their first rounder actually traded up to #6 with San Fran and get Vernon Davis. But it could turn out to be a good move for both teams.
  13. Don't be surprised if there if a post-training camp cut or practice squad placement in the midst somewhere here.. it could very well be Short.
  14. I don't think Lavar is off the raidar just yet. Short is a SLB and I believe Lavar is a WLB. It's not as if Short is going to bankrupt us of being able to sign him... possibly another smokescreen to get him to lower his price, who the hell knows? Just don't count us out of the lavar running just yet.
  15. Just a quick question, is Short a SLB or WLB?
  16. Hernandez is on the 15 day DL so that's one down. Julio will be here until he blows his 8th game. Zambrano sucks but I guess there's no one else and getting rid of him would give us more reason to hate Duquette's guts even more for that Kazmir trade. Chavez well... who plays center after Beltran's not playing?
  17. Totally sucking on our team's part. I'll give us a little bit of benefit of the doubt for now because our #3 hitter was out and all of a sudden our self proclaimed God looks like Jose Valentin hitting and has a terrible game of fielding. But our lineup hasn't been at its strongest so at this point, I'm just happy with 10-4 and hoping Beltran and Floyd come back soon. We can make up for this terrible effort by going into Turner field in a week or two and kicking their asses around.
  18. gateb

    Who is Nady?

    Of course we could have Cameron playing center with Beltran out and Diaz and Floyd in the other parts of the OF Just busting ya, I'm happy with this trade but it's three weeks in. We all know Nady is known as a streaker hitter. Let's see him establish some consistency. Personally, I'm hoping for .277 22 HRs 79 RBIs and from our #7 guy those are great numbers.
  19. Unless we win a super bowl then without question.
  20. I like Short, but the only real thing I remember him for as a Giant was breaking Pennington's wrist
  21. Money... he's referring to the Dallas game in the last game of the 04-05 season... at least I hope he is. Eli can look so damn ugly in the pocker some times and then there are other times where he stands in there and makes some very good throws. The best game I could throw out there is Seattle. He had a very solid game on that part and unfortunately, it appeared his game went down from there. Eli needs to fix that footwork problem... it's getting me worried. But he sounds confident and optimistic about his future and if he and our organization feel that way, then I do too. There's a chance we could've had a better record if we drafted Ben because if we did, I have a feeling we wouldn't have gotten rid of Warner as quick. Even if we did, who knows what our record would be, but it's not a given Shawne would fall to our spot.
  22. Giants.com hasn't been working for me lately.
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