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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Pierce looks pretty damn fast to me in actual game time, which is all that counts to me. I think the Cards aren't going to be basing draft picks on forty times for a pretty long time after what happened with Suggs.
  2. No, but others are claiming this a terrible draft and showing no faith in EAs picks. I can understand that you guys don't agree with the picks. But some of you guys are declaring this a horrible draft already and you and I both can agree that that's wrong.
  3. I have to admit, I was in a state of shock after the Mathias pick, but that has worn out now and I am looking at this more rationally. This is a good pick that will help us in the long run. We've got players now that can bring us to the Super Bowl within the next few years and these guys can take over. If anything, that pick is a tribute to how unselfish a man EA is. Instead of helping himself out in his last year as a GM by taking a guy he knows that can contribute immediately, he took the better player and the one that will help us better in the long run but not immediately. Props from the true fans EA
  4. People are forgetting that this Wilkinson pick was one of the last picks of the first day. How can you blame EA for passing up on the guys you wanted, such as Watson. I don't see the other 31 teams' fans yelling at their GM for passing on him three straight times. Do you? We don't need significant impacts. The Pats rarely draft players with significant impacts and same with other perennial playoff teams. The Wilkinson pick was also for depth and special teams. I don't think we see him as a starter in the near future or in the future in general. Trust me, we will be rotating Mathias into our DEs often. I have a feeling Strahan will be pulled more on third and longs due to the quote EA said about how him and Lavar will be tough to stop pass rush wise. So you can be certain that you'll se him play this year, and he may produce effectively somewhat. And he can also extend Strahan's career that way.
  5. Agreed. People go from one week ago saying that he's one of the best GMs in football and showing full faith in the guy to saying he had a terrible draft and is a horrible GM in a matter of three picks. It's absolutely disgusting and I pray that not many opposing fans come on to this board and the GMB.
  6. Can you back this up LOGICALLY, not with words that you think make sense.
  7. I don't see how all of you guys are jumping to conclusions about our draft choices when most of you don't know a thing about these guys and have no idea what they do in the future. Seriously, you guys are a joke tonight. I'm hoping that the majority of you are either high, drunk, or being mind-controlled by aliens.
  8. That trade was absolutely wonderful. The pick on the other hand was confusing. But unlike 98% of the fans on this board and in the world, I have faith in all of EA's picks. Why? Because he has earned that faith this off-season, and in other past drafts.
  9. The faith, or lack of faith, put into EA right now by you guys is pathetic.
  10. And that at least 5 of our starters on defense are no longer Giants.
  11. How the hell do we know this? How about we let the players we drafted play a fucken down first. Jesus Christ you guys, and this goes beyond the Fab 4, are so fucken clueless.
  12. That pick has me a bit confused but you have to realize that there is a reason Watson is falling out of the third round right? It's because maybe teams watching film of him don't see first day quality out of him. I'm not saying he'll be a bad DT but team's draft boards are very different from Kiper's and ours. We won't know if it would suck or not until we actually know about these guys and what they do. This kid also plays solid special teams.
  13. It's the third round. You're judging our GM over the 96th pick in the draft? EA is known to be the master of the middle rounds. The least Giants fans owe him as our trust in his judgement of picks. I'm sure there's reason behind his 32nd pick too. Maybe Strahan is hanging it up within the next two years. If EA was as clueless as the Fab 4 proclaim, I still don't think he would've made that pick without reasoning. How about we gather the facts on these draftees before we determine if this is a good draft or not?
  14. Our first rounder was strictly for the future only. What are you talking about?
  15. This is obviously for a special teams pick and I guess we're hoping we can land Gabe Watson tomorrow.
  16. I thought that was a decent pick. They've had a good draft so far and Clemens has ability.
  17. Yeah, but I think Moss for some reason was highest on our draft board WR wise. But we felt that he wasn't worthy of going at #32. So I sort of see where we were going with this, but I would've liked to go a separate direction at #32. And Nem, GB would've taken Moss with one of their two picks before ours. I don't see why you are upset that we gave up a third rounder and something else to assure ourselves of landing a very talented WR.
  18. Well, if we could get Moss in the second, why take Jackson in the first? And I guess we weren't that high on Justice and White. After those two, who else was there? I don't like Williams and I guess the Giants FO agreed.
  19. I seriously think Moss was the #1 rated player on the board. EA was planning to get him somehow in the second round seeing that Jackson fell to our slot. And I guess he just didn't like Justice. I can kind of see now why he didn't make these choices...
  20. It's going to be for special teams and those quick passes to the outside too. He's going to stretch the field and maybe will have a chip on his shoulder after falling and in the same division as his brother.
  21. Fine pick in Moss. So we still filled one need and got one guy for the future too. Let's see what we do from here. See guys, EA knows what he's doing.
  22. Okay, not 56. And I don't know what the trade details were.
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