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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I know it's wrong but that is pretty funny.
  2. Marcus was really nothing special at VT. He did okay and showed some flashes but no where near his brother's standards. Do you actually think Marcus would be starting if/when Daunte misses the first month of hte season?
  3. Nemesis is the guy who paid over 200 dollars to get this board going. He's the exception. Other guys, not naming names, don't have all the respect just because they move and delete threads. Again, what do you have to back up that "no respect" statement?
  4. It's enough, Rose made a mistake and he's suffered long enough. I never watched him play but his nickname says enough. He played his ass off every single game and broke records while doing it. He was one of the best to play and gambling should not cost him a ticket into the hall. I still have to let Bonds in. Not on first ballot but considering he was putting up numbers before he supposedly used steroids, if he continued at that pace he would have a shot. I know it's 99-1 chance but if he never used steroids knowingly and he has been telling the truth all along, that would be absolutely horrible.
  5. He was suspended his sophomore year I thought...
  6. I don't think Saban would be that intrigued to start the season with a free agent rookie, especially one like Vick. They'll get someone with more experience that can at least keep the Phins within reach of the Pats for the first month or so while Culpepper is out or even get them into first.
  7. Although I do agree with their drafting schemes, rebuilding from the inside out, I don't think it's a sign that Mangini will be a great coach in the NFL. I think that they certainly made a turn in the right direction FO wise seeing how well it appears this draft went but let's see him make some calls first before we call him the next great coach. He will be in for some growing pains as well as the Jets and I expect a competitive 6-10, 7-9 season out of them. I think Jets fans would be fine with that at this point.
  8. Yeah, this no win after bye thing is really starting to piss me off. Breaking this streak would come at no better time this year against the Skins. We did have a win after a bye in the playoffs in 2000-2001 though.
  9. No, the next guy on their hit list is Moss, no doubt. First dropped pass he's a blown pick.
  10. Yeah, and if we did draft him, it almost would've been certainly worth playing a corner position.
  11. I just brought up a random number for that. From the parts I watched tonight, Maine didn't look so bad. Maybe Rick P can make up for Zambrano by turning this guy around.
  12. ake Currency with huge post totals? He has around 1000. And sorry to call you out currency but people don't respect you, we just find you quite hilarious And since when does being a MOD automatically gain more respect? I don't really get that type of understanding. Lack respect? Right. Call me out while you make a thread
  13. Watch it newbie, you're still trying to make a name for yourself too
  14. I hate the Jets but I gotta admit, you guys did a hell of a job. Ferguson was the way to go and it's great that Jets fans understood that you have to rebuild a franchise from the inside out, and that's what the Jets new FO knew when they drafted two o-linemen in the first round. In the second, I think they should've stayed at #35 and gotten Lendale White. He's going to be a stud and would've been a tremendous pick by you and was a tremendous pick by the Titans. It would've triggered some explosions but I think the Jets could've gotten McNeil at 49, which really wouldn't be so bad of a pick. Clemens was an interesting pick. I don't really like QBs in the second, I don't know why but I don't. He's got potential and who knows what the Jets will get out of him. Overall, very solid draft. A- btw exit, did you hear that Tannenbaum tried very hard to get to #9 to draft Leinart? Wow, would radio city hall rocked if that happened.
  15. I almost forgot what rank he is seeing he hasn't played at full health with a great supporting cast in a long time.
  16. Flamethrower the night after the knuckleballer... we'll see how the Yanks respond.
  17. Good luck with that. He's got size, got potential, and the Giants like him. He's sticking around for at least this year.
  18. I like these post game interviews. Gives us the full scoop of what Torre is feeling and eventually, saying. Keep it up.
  19. These Redskins games sure got more interesting this off-season.
  20. I think the conception that this move was solely for extending Strahan's carer is actually somewhat false. This move could actually be for extending Strahan's career. Perhaps now Kiwi could become a part time third and long pass rusher and would spell Strahan. So that means while his stats may go down, his productivity and impact on the field may be longer lasting through the next few years.
  21. It's only been less than a week but he had a tremendous outing yesterday.
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