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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I made this a month or two ago. WEEK 1 GIANTS VS. COLTS Talk about starting the season with a bang. Last year, we start off against the ordinary, same old Cardinals, which winds up into a 42-19 blowout. This year is to say the least, a totally different story. Manning vs. Manning, Sunday night football. What more can you want? I'll tell you what. A win, I want a win. Many people think that this will be a lot of offense and little defense. I tend to disagree. Peyton is not particularly sharp in the early weeks of the season and I still think that Eli needs some more experience before fully realizing his potential. I foresee a solid game for both brohthers as there is a good amount of scoring through the first three quarters and we play tough defense to end the game as Tiki caps it off with the game sealing TD. FINAL SCORE: Giants 27 Colts 17 Record: 1-0 WEEK 2 GIANTS AT EAGLES Overall, I feel that we have the better team then the Eagles. There is more talent and we are coming off a much better year then them. However, this is their home opener and I think their fans are going to be wild and they will be hungry for a win, which will feed off on to their team. It's going to be a battle the whole time, no team dominating any statistical category. But I believe that the Eagles will pull it off with a field goal with about 5 and a half minutes left, and we will have no answer. FINAL SCORE: Giants 20 Eagles 23 Record: 1-1 WEEK 3 GIANTS AT SEAHAWKS If there was one game on this analysis I could guarantee, this would be the one. Many will say, "What is he crazy? This is the defending NFC champs we're talking about!" Well, that is misleading. One reason is because I don't think the Seahawks are that good. The main reason is that if we aren't hungry to win that game and don't come out looking for a win and nothing else, then I have my worries about this team. Our team loves Feely and the fact that the Seahawks went all the way will put an even bigger target on the Seahawks backs. Eli will have an excellent game, having a 115 passer rating as the defense will shut down the Seahawks and we get the win. FINAL SCORE: Giants 30 Seahawks 13 Record: 2-1 WEEK 5 GIANTS VS. REDSKINS This will be a fun one for sure. Even though we always do horrible after the bye, I have a feeling that this year will be different. We are going to play with a much more crisp feel and we all know the main issue of the game. This is where Lavar plays his former team. I think there will be a lot of hype going into the game, but he won't have a standout one like Pierce did. He'll have a solid game but nothing spectacular. Eli will again have a good game to lead us to victory. FINAL SCORE: Giants 24 Redskins 14 Record: 3-1 WEEK 6 GIANTS AT FALCONS Personally, I don't think the Falcons are that good. Vick is extremely overrated and the Abraham signing I think, won't make that much of an impact for them. Their secondary is still a work in progress and aside from Brooking, their LB core isn't that good. Tiki should have a very good day against them as should Eli. This one shouldn't be stressful. FINAL SCORE: Giants 27 Falcons 20 Record: 4-1 WEEK 7 Giants at Cowboys Even though much will be made of this game and there will be great hype leading up to it, I think this game will disappoint us all. TO lives for Monday night football and the Cowboys will be clicking on all cylinders as they dominate us, and pre-dominantly shut down our offense. After the last three wins, it would appear we'd be due for a bad loss. FINAL SCORE: Giants 16 Cowboys 31 Record: 4-2 WEEK 8 Giants vs. Bucs Believe it or not, I firmly believe that the Bucs are the most overrated team in the NFL. Chris Simms is not that good, he's going to be an okay QB at best with some good games here and there. Caddy's gonna be a great back, but their passing game isn't that strong and if we shut him down like we very well can, their offense will be in for a bad day. I think we're going to have a shaky day on offense, but do just enough to pull it off. FINAL SCORE: Giants 13 Bucs 9 Record: 5-2 WEEK 9 Giants vs. Texans As a Giants fan, I think all of you know this type of deal. We're in November, we're at 5-2, and a bad team such as the Texans comes into town as we come off a solid win the week before. It's an automatic win right? Well, not necessarily. These teams always give us hell and don't bring up the 9ers game from last year. It was 10-6 heading into the fourth quarter. We will win but as always, it won't be easy. The score will be deceiving. FINAL SCORE: Giants 28 Texans 16 Record: 6-2 WEEK 10 Giants vs. Bears To cap off our first three game homestand in around 20 years, I'm predicting a sweep. The Bears IMO were a one year wonder and really aren't that good. Our defense will put their offense in their place and Eli will have surprisingly a very good game statistic wise, but we'll be shut down for the most part points wise. Tiki will be limited in carries and yards but we'll manage to pull it off. FINAL SCORE: Giants 20 Bears 10 Record: 7-2 WEEK 11 Giants at Jaguars This is one of the games I think we should win. We are better then the Jags in and out. They aren't as good as they are taken to be but that doesn't mean we will beat them. They are home and it's a Monday night game. We all know how the Giants do on Monday night games. I think this will be one of those games where it just doesn't work. It's going to be our "letdown game." Things just won't click and we'll wind up losing. FINAL SCORE: Giants 17 Jaguars 28 record: 7-3 WEEK 12 Giants at Titans Remember what was mentioned earlier about how the Giants do bad in these types of games? Well, I think this game will be different. My vibes are telling me that this will be Vince Young's third game and at this point, injuries and the lack of talent will berate this team into way out of contention and most likely fighting for the #1 pick. We will tear young apart along with their defense and Eli will have one of his best stat games of his career. FINAL SCORE: Giants 38 Titans 7 record: 8-3 WEEK 13 Giants vs. Cowboys Pretty ironic that this game will be 364 days after the Giants vs. Cowboys 17-10 win huh? I think the stakes will be extremely similar and that they will be one game behind us in the division tied with the Redskins for where they are at that point. I think the weather conditions will be a lot better then last year, allowing Eli to have a more productive game and for our offense to be more of a factor. However, I feel our defense will have a similar impact as we cruise to victory against our division rivals for revenge of the MNF loss on October 23rd. FINAL SCORE Giants 24 Cowboys 13 Record: 9-3 WEEK 14 Giants at Panthers This is yet another game I'm sure Giants players and Giants fans have circled on their calendar for obvious reasons that don't exactly need to be explained. I'm sure our defense would like a little shot at Keyshawn because we don't necessarily like him from his Cowboys days and that he ditched us this off-season. I feel that we will play very tough against them, at least much tougher then in the playoffs but we will come up short. FINAL SCORE: Giants 17 Panthers 26 Record: 9-4 WEEK 15 Giants vs. Eagles I have a feeling this will be NBCs Sunday night game with Flex scheduling. So on the grand stage against the Eagles, the Giants will be hungry to take this game from the Eagles to put themselves in even better position in the East as we are now, to get revenge for week 2, and to put them away in the Wild Card hunt. They will be three games out at the time and two games behind the Cowboys, Redskins, and Bucs for the 5th and 6th seed. Eli will be the player of the game on a big stage while he controls the Eagles secondary and Tiki gets a couple of TDs to win this key game. FINAL SCORE: Giants 31 Eagles 21 Record: 10-4 WEEK 16 Giants vs. Saints This game may not be as easy as it appears. If the Saints play like they did in previous years, which is .500 and having hot streaks from time to time, this won't be an automatic win. I'm sure Brees will be fine and Bush is always a threat. What sucks is I will be missing out on seeing Bush live because I will be on vacation... of all games . Anyway, I think it'll be a tough game that'll go back and forth but in the end, the better team will win. And we are the better team. FINAL SCORE: Giants 24 Saints 20 WEEK 17 Giants at Redskins This is the game that I may rush the entire season to see. Odds are pointing in favor that this will be an absolutely critical game in terms of division championship. I believe the Cowboys and Giants will be at 11-4 at this point and the Skins will be 10-5, but own the tiebreaker over us if they win. We would own the tiebreaker over the Cowboys due to having the better division record. So basically, this is a win and clinch the division and lose and you may be a 6th seed if your lucky type of deal. I believe Eli will rise to the occasion and have not a spectacular day but keep the fans out of it, make the key passes, and of course, let our star RB take over and cap off the game to give us yet again another division title against the odds. Oh yeah, an extra treat is we get home field throughout as we own the tiebreaker over the 12-4 Seahawks. Final score: Giants 23 Redskins 14 FINAL RECORD 12-4 ***PLAYOFFS*** DIVISIONAL ROUND Giants vs. Cowboys Yep, the Dallas Cowboys will be coming to our house for our home game. You think it won't be crazy at Giants Stadium? Ha, it's gonna be LOUD! Towels swirling, Lavar and Pierce getting everyone pumped will make this place out of control. And the players will not dissappoint. We will go 110% out there and will dominate throughout the game. We'll sweat through a couple of parts early in the game but in the end, we will come out on top. Oh yeah, I have a feeling Gibril is going to give TO a good-bye present early in the fourth too. FINAL SCORE: Giants 27 Cowboys 14 NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Giants vs. Seahawks Just because we went all out on the Seahawks in week 3 doesn't mean we will feel fulfilled in giving them revenge from last year. No way in hell. The place will be just as loud as the week before as the Giants fans know very well what may happen as well as the players. Eli will play with even more of a chip on his shoulder and have a stupendous game. But the defense will falter somewhat. There will be some drives where they dominate us running with Shaun Alexander and passing with Matt Hasselbeck. But it will be Jay Feely with four minutes left in the game that seals the win. FINAL SCORE: Giants 34 Seahawks 31 NFC CHAMPIONS SUPER BOWL Giants vs. Broncos People may say that fate will make the Giants play either the Chargers or the Colts in the super bowl but I disagree. Plummer will have twice as good of a year as last season with even more of a chip on his shoulder with the selection Cutler by the Broncos. Eli will have memories of his great comeback at the Meadowlands the year before but unfortunately, that performance will not equate in the Super Bowl and we will fall short. Not as bad as Super Bowl 35 but not exactly an inspiring performance. Final score: Giants 14 Broncos 27 This year would go beyond my expectations but I feel this is what our capability allows us to do. If Eli plays the way he is expected to and we stay relatively healthy for the most part, this team is capable of doing this and maybe even winning the Super Bowl.
  2. Similar to Aaron Small with the Yankees last year.
  3. Hopefully that'll get his confidence up. Busy day for the Mets.
  4. Couldn't ask for it to be better. And I was literally right at the edge of the shade the entire game too. The sun started to come against my knees as soon as the last out was made. Picture perfect.
  5. But a lot better still. If we had Duaner come post-season, we'd be a shoe-in to go all the way. Now I don't know..
  6. Heh, did you hear yourself after Duaner went down and Nady was traded?
  7. But I'm greedy man. I want to see that 6 run explosion inning capped off by a two run homer. September 9th is my next game against the Dodgers.
  8. Dude, we need middle relief big time. Heilman and Roberto is not gonna cut it.
  9. It seems everything that we didn't do the last 20 years we did that year. Unbelievable. I am now educated
  10. What a great show or whatever it was. I wasn't alive and I really didn't know much about the 86 team but wow did that change. I don't know what I would've done if I was at or watching Game 6 against Boston. The 86 team was made to win it all. Period.
  11. One of my friends went down to Baltimore to see this game too.. That must have sucked for him
  12. You have to pay to get in even though you work there? It wasn't exactly the most exciting of games, 17 straight set down and a near implosion by Wagner...
  13. I sat in the mezannine right across from where Lastings Milledge plays. But I came in through the home field plate section, I think gateb so I would be assured to get the 86 team pics.
  14. Franco, Lo Duca, Milledge, Floyd, and Marrero are all playing. Just your typical banged up team.
  15. I couldn't see the play by Wright. It was hit so damn hard that I looked up in the air and looked down and then I noticed the ball going across the diamond into Delgado's glove with Wright on the ground.
  16. Excellent game. Eerily similar to my last game I went to two weeks ago. El Duque let up three runs in the first. Glavine let up three runs in the first. We scored one run in the bottom half. We scored one run in the bottom half again. We had a three run rally in the 4th. We had a three run rally in the 6th. El Duque settled down to go 7 innings 3 ER Glavine settled down to go 7 innings 3 ER. We win 4-3. We win 4-3. Very strage. Fun game though, much better then two weeks ago IMO. Wonderful seats at mezannine first base side, right in the shade for most of the game. Wagner sure scared me in the ninth. But David Wright is the man and proved why.
  17. Can't disagree with that. He has some tailoring up to do.
  18. Judging by that statement, I guess Andruw Jones sucks too? Because he apparently may have cleared waivers too...
  19. What's the prediction? You mean that they are thinking there's going to be a world series as a subway series? Those are probably made for the interleague series, not just the world series.
  20. When he is bad, he is BAD. Yet he has twice the natural talent that Pavano had when he came to New York, so Sox fans shouldn't be worried. He needs another consistent pitch or something though.
  21. Yeah it was at Shea stadium I would buy it, but it's not as flashy as I want it to be
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