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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Thank god! Best part of this is that we give him the rest that we think he may need for his arm and then test out some pitchers that we would like to look at.
  2. If we win it this year, then it is a fact that we were destined to win it. All we could hope for is we have an on series and the AL team has an off one. I would prefer to play Detroit...
  3. Isn't Dye an FA also? I wouldn't mind giving a look at him. I see us getting Zito for sure. When Omar has gone after someone, he has gotten htem nearly everytime with the exception of Delgado who he got a year later. So I have faith that Omar will be willing to dish the big bucks for guys like Zito. I would love to have a guy like Pena in the outfield splitting time with Chavez. Call me crazy but I want Lastings to be our everyday OF next year. I have a feeling we're going to see a new player. That would be a very nice pen and I think Roberto Hernandez is still under contract too, so if he continues to pitch well that would be an added bonus. Luckily for us, other teams have big issues with their pitching too and we have as much hitting as any team in the NL. So let's not think this far ahead. However, if we go to the WS, we're getting our asses kicked
  4. I have a feeling we're going to be in for a very active off-season... We'll need to have one.
  5. No one posts here anyway...
  6. Ha nice job digging this up. My closest one is probably with Lo Duca right now. It's impossible to make predictions like this with trade deadlines, injuries, etc. Football season on the other hand...
  7. Your the fricken man blue jeans! :worshippy: :worshippy:
  8. Great! What the hell are we gonna do now?
  9. I was hoping we'd see him on Saturday. But I heard Dave Williams actually looked pretty good.
  10. From the stories I've heard about the bleacher seats in Yankee stadium, I would wear maybe Yankee socks or something just to get there.
  11. I'd like to see Perez actually on Saturday. Unfortunately I'd miss the game but I want to know what he's got.
  12. Milledge looks horrible wherever he's played so far basically. Sometimes it looks like he's about to turn the corner in his fielding, then he makes another bad play. Right now Milledge has to do something to change the way he's hitting and batting but when I think about it, this is how Melky started last year right? Milledge only played half a season in triple AAA and it shows right now. But I see good things in the future with him and I hope we stick with him.
  13. I would rather have two bad drives in pre-season then what the Cowboys and Redskins are going through right now with injuries and QB situations. Even the Eagles too with Westbrook.
  14. gateb


    Anyone else go to the Giants Cowboys 2003 MNF game? Enough said. Worst game ever. It ended at what, 1:16?
  15. We need Delgado for the playoffs. Even Wright lately too. I was hoping this park would cure our hitting ills. The one guy we don't want hitting homers is the only one hitting them.
  16. That's my point. The steroids worked for him, so he gets crappy treatment because of it. True, he is an asshole, but he is getting improper treatment from the fans. The only people that have admitted it as far as I know are Giambi, Grimsley, Sheffield, and Canseco. And none of them have received improper benefit from the fans and Giambi and Sheff were never suspended. And they are booed, but not nearly as bad as Bonds. And Sheff is every bit of an asshole as Bonds is. And Plow, I have kept that book in mind and another called called "Love Me, Hate Me" which is written about Bonds. But I can't get to it now because of Summer reading
  17. That's really the only reason I wouldn't leave if I were Howard.
  18. I actually feel bad for Bonds for different reasons. He cheated we all know it, but he's taking the bullet for hundreds, maybe thousands of players that cheated. Why is it that Barry Bonds gets treated horribly in every ballpark besides his home stadium, but Ryan Franklin, a steroid user who was caught and suspended 10 games for taking an illegal substance, barely gets any negative reception when he comes into the game? I think it's a little bit ridiculous how Bonds gets all the blame for the steroid era. The reason he gets booed like this is because the steroids actually work for him, and Franklin doesn't get booed because they didn't work for him. That's why I don't hate Bonds like everyone else.
  19. and I read in the star ledger today he just went 6 innings and gave up 5 runs or something like that.
  20. gateb


    HA! I knew it! I told everyone this would happen as soon as the schedule came out! Bitchesss Edit: Wait, how did the Post get word of this?
  21. Sterling's a moron but he's hilarious. I can't stand it when he does things like it said in the article but some of his quotes you just can't help but laugh at.
  22. Speaking of Perez, anyone know how he is doing so far in the farm?
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