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Everything posted by gateb

  1. He owns everyone. Don't feel bad. And if he doesn't own someone now, he'll own him eventually. What a player.
  2. Not to mention interesting things happen when the pitcher bats. You never know. You can get a homer like you did out of Trachsel. You can hit a triple like you did out of El Duque. And you can hit 2 home runs in 4 ABs against a certain pitcher like Arroyo did. That pumps up a team and the crowd, and makes for a more interesting game. Milledge and Heilman for Zito would've been stupid. We need to give Lastings some time, unlike we did with some of our other prospects. And we'd have no financial security with Zito, he could've left the club the next year for the Yanks and then we lost all 3 of the guys. I'd rather just take a shot on him in FA and keep our talented prospects. I wouldn't go as far as saying Aaron is our future closer. But I do foresee him being a solid player in this club whether it's in the pen or even if he is starting. Speaking of future closer, I wouldn't mind us calling Henry Owens up for September call ups. His first outing he struck out the side right?
  3. Carter is not a given to be the #3 all 16 games this year. There is no way in hell we put Moss on IR. Maybe if it was baseball we'd put him on the DL, but it's not.
  4. I'm going to Saturday's LA game. Come join me MAKE IT SATURDAY!
  5. He's not beating out anyone by doing nothing while Carter is doing something.
  6. Because the guys have a day off finally tomorrow. Maybe he felt more inclined to use his main guys just to ensure the win.
  7. That sucks man. I went to the Astros game where there was a 1 hour delay and the threat of rain for the entire game. Are you gonna go to tomorrows make up?
  8. I liked Dorsch. Hopefully he's on PS and we can get him next year.
  9. I thought so too. He was drafted as a DT so I'm sure he'd be fine with the transition.
  10. I would do that in a heartbeat. But I don't think SD would.
  11. So does Milledge. I said it was pointless to bring that up because the other guy in this arguement draws a lot of walks too. Milledge virtually came up straight from Double AA, making him very inexperienced at a high level.
  12. Now if Lastings was doing this...
  13. Wright batted in front of the pitcher or in the bottom of the lineup in some of his first full season in the majors or something like that. That's how we handle our prospects that are called up. We make them earn their way up in the lineup. When Milledge batted 2nd against the Phillies, he had a solid game with some very good ABs. I know that because I was there. Also, Lastings only played two months in Triple AAA before being called up. He clearly didn't receive as much time at that level as he needed. And if you knew anything you would know that Milledge actually has drawn a lot of walks, so that arguement with Melky walking is pointless.
  14. Here's the guy This is hard to believe even for me.
  15. Man, you have worse luck at baseball games then I do.
  16. So the last week I've spent a nice vacation at the Los Abrigados Inn in Sedona. There is a restauraunt there called "On the Rocks" that I spent some of my dinner's at. Anyway, when I ate dinner at the resauraunt, my waiter's name was Anthony lo Duca. I say jokingly to my Dad, "Maybe he's Paulie's brother." But I didn't really mean it. Even though he did look like Paul. And he also is a big Mets fan judging by his reactions when we scored. So just for kicks, I look through the internet and what do you know, Paul's brother's name is Anthony. And I looked into it even more and the guy is a coach of a baseball team in Arizona and the pics look just like him. I should've asked him but right now I'm pretty sure that was Paul's brother.
  17. I haven't put my 2 cents into this Cabrera/Milledge comparison yet. So here it is. Melky has shown that he is a more then a reliable fielder, a huscler, and a solid all around player. He came up last year and looked like he didn't belong, but he worked on his skills to fix up his game and as been a major component for the Yanks this year. His knack for the clutch whether it's on defense or offense is what has Yanks fans extremely excited. He started out with the Yanks relatively hot on offense this year but cooled down for a good month or so when pitchers figured him out. But he has adapted his game so he could manage to hit off of those pitchers and has progressed as the year has gone on. He has been moved a lot around the lineup going from literally first to last in a matter of a day. But he has proven he can hit in those spots. However, he certainly is helped out by batting where he does in the lineup and being protected by great hitters. That's the advantage of being in the AL, especially a team like the Yankees. Now Lastings Milledge. I probably have more info to offer with Lastings then Melky because I watch him nearly every time he plays. Lastings appears to be a fine player in his own right showing some flashes of what he could be consistently in the near future. He had a somewhat rough first term in the bigs, frustrating Mets fans with his inconsistency at the plate, confusion in the field, and potential attitude problems. Even though one or two things that he may have done were blown out of proportion by the media (hi-fiving fans after hitting a home run was made out to be first degree murder by the media), he looked a little bit full of himself at times too. However lately it appears that he has tuned down a bit and looks to be more enjoyable in the dugout and is saying the right things. As for his hitting, when he gets the bat on the ball, he hits it extremely hard. In his first career at bat, he hit a frozen rope right at Craig Counsell I think it was. Even though it was an out, the pitch was on the outside part of the plate and he has the plate coverage and bat speed to pull it extremely hard. I remember on one particular hit, he hit the ball so hard that against the D'backs on the road, he barely got it over the shortstops head and then it rolled all the way to the wall just because he hit it so hard. He certainly has some pop in his bat. That's for sure. And his outs it appears to be that he is almost on the pitch, but he gets under it and hits it a mile high. So he needs to tune up his batting a little bit. Now his fielding. We saw in Fenway how confused and just bad he looked. It doesn't look like he gets a good read on fly balls either. I don't know what to say about that, I hope with time that will be fixed. But he has an extremely strong arm. He had two OF assists that come to mind, throwing a guy out running to third in his second career game and he made a big throw against the Dodgers for a guy trying to go to second. Like Melky, Lastings showed that he also has a knack for the clutch. He had that 2 out game tying solo homer off of Benitez early in his short career. True, it is Benitez but still a nice display of power for his first career homer from the kid. He also had a homer that wrapped up the game against LAA not too much longer later. I think comparing these two is stupid to be honest. Lastings and Melky are in totally different situations with the pitcher behind Lastings and legitimate hitter behind Melky. I'd rather have Nick Green batting behind me then Pedro Martinez, or any other pitcher for that matter. Lastings showed that with protection (courtesy of blue jeans) from Chavez who batted 8th that night, Lastings teed off and had 3 hits including a homer. So time will tell with him. Melky is now an everyday player while Lastings has been in a platoon all season long.
  18. I was on my flight home from vacation and didn't realize that he was starting until he started to get into trouble. It was then when I didn't even bother turning on the t.v. I'll take your word for it though.
  19. So apparently Eli's hurt? Greatttt
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