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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Instead of letting them score quickly, we'll make it slow so they don't score as many points.
  2. I just have that vibe right now...
  3. He'll come back next year unless we get double digit losses. Which seems very possible at this point. Ya know what, I'm looking forward to killing the Redskins in two weeks. We're gonna murder them.
  4. Me and my dad have been asking each other the same question. He doesn't hit the hole the same as he used to, but he still is pretty damn good.
  5. I agree. Changes need to be made. I'll be a man about it, I guaranteed we'd win this game in May. I was so confident we'd come back so intense and wanting to win this one. Boy was I proved wrong.
  6. If we don't come out with a hurry up, I'm going to be mad.
  7. Everytime Plax caught the ball last year I either shouted it at the game or in my house that he has to hold it better. I remember his only fumble last year against the Cowboys in our own territory. He was lucky that was his only one. So much talent, such a waste of talent... what a shame.
  8. I don't like our team chemistry either at this point. We just don't seem to like each other, and our coaching staff doesn't seem to instigate any chemistry in the locker room. I'm not officially off yet, but I am starting to get off the TC bandwagon.
  9. Good for him having Plax on the bench for the last drive. He needs a wake up call, the world isn't his. This is why Plax is Plax and we got him for only 25 mill...
  10. As in the false starts. We only have 3 today. Probably cuz the fans are bored.
  11. At least in 2003 it took us till November to suck. Who knows, maybe the bye will have an opposite effect on us and make us good afterwards, not bad.
  12. I'm pretty much through with our coaching staff. No defense, no offense, and no disclipline. And I'm not saynig that ebcause I am mad, it's because it's true.
  13. If that happens, it'd just be unfair to bother playing.
  14. Even when we are good, baseball season is too damn long
  15. Do you guys play Minnesota every time in the ALDS?
  16. Nope, you're wrong. GMs do work when they pick up guys like Endy Chavez, have faith in guys like Jose Valentin, Oliver Perez, Dave Williams, and more. Omar's made deals with guys like those and also has made three big deals with Delgado, Pedro, and Beltran. Let's hope Pedro's turns worthy this October. Those guys up there are the reasons we clinched as early as we did.
  17. I still think the Nats are going to trade Soriano. It'd be funny as hell if the Phillies refuse to give Ryan Howard more money and he gets traded eventually due to the disagreement between him and management.
  18. Hey, he killed the Cowboys last year, maybe he can kill the Skins this year!
  19. The inside passes to TEs have killed us. And when we've had the inside covered, there has been someone wide open on the outside. How can you rush only 4 and have someone that wide open?
  20. Just unbelievable. And then he'll go to Chicago and his career will never recover.
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