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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I think he could be a decent 4th or 5th starter.
  2. Think of it this way. If we got Holmes, then Adrian Awasom would have been our starting DE against the Bucs. We would not have Kiwi. And Holmes is a troublemaker too. I don't like him.
  3. Yeah, I read the same thing. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for a one or two year stint to let guys like Humber, Pelfrey, and/or Bannister harness their potential more in Triple AAA.
  4. I'd rather to it at the meadowlands on December 3rd.
  5. According to the Star Ledger, the Mets are seriously considering signing Mark Mulder, and Pedro is considering retirement.
  6. Big guys like Pelfrey get me worried in terms of injuries. Randy Johnson had his share of problems during his career.
  7. We might need Moss with Plax hurting this sunday.
  8. Are baseballs any different in Japan?
  9. Jacobs has the ability to put jukes on opposing players, and he has to learn how to do that more. Nas is right, Jacobs has to laern to learn not to hit the guy.
  10. He's pretty much ready, but we've needed that extra DL/LB the last game or so. My guess is he'll be ready for the Bears game. These small quick WRs are notorious for having these leg muscle problems though. I can't expect Moss to be a 16 game a year WR for his career.
  11. If we get can get a nice slugger in the six spot and sign Loretta, I would love this lineup. 1. Reyes 2. Lo Duca 3. Beltran 4. Delgado 5. Wright 6. TBD (Not green and Floyd) 7. Chavez 8. Loretta 9. Pitcher And with some FA signings for our starting rotation and bullpen, this would be an awesome team.
  12. He made a few great catches and was very consistent with his throwing arm... but Manny is great with the OF assist and does make some nice catches from time to time. Yeah, I know playing with the Green Monster helps those OF stats, but he does have a good arm.
  13. I think it was Scott Shields that threw over 400 pitchers in a college game, am I right? He's turned out fine, but still a mistake I wouldn't want to take with my pitcher.
  14. No, I see what you're talking about. You never want to play a team coming off a loss, especially after an embarrassing one. You want to play them off a nice win. We've played the Eagles, Seahawks, Redskins, Cowboys, and Bucs coming off wins. And we were 4-1 against them.
  15. Willie is one of the best motivators in baseball right now. Did you see basically scrubs on our pitching staff virtually light up each them they played in the postseason? And if Soriano can hit 46 in the Nats ballpark, why couldn't he able to at Shea.
  16. In the ninth. Nice little moment for him, too bad he didn't do it in the playoffs. Wright
  17. This guy would have Roberto Alomar and Mo Vaughn written all over him.
  18. Devil Rays give him a 6 years 128 mill deal
  19. If we win the next three games, we are set.
  20. He got better as the year went along until that supposed dugout blowup thing. I think if we trade him, it's because we are getting a fair amount in return, not because of his weird attitude.
  21. Worry about your own overpaid pitchers ok?
  22. Floyd wasn't exactly what you'd call an awesome defender...
  23. Now we may be forced to keep Heilman as a starter. In other news, we are in negotiations with Glavine for a 2 year 25 mill deal.
  24. Yeah, you beat me to it with Dye. Oh well.
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