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Everything posted by gateb

  1. No way Plax could've caught that. If he ran a harder route and saw the ball coming out of Eli's hand better, than he could've accelerated and at least tipped it away. But the way he ran the route cost him any chance of catching it. My favorite play is the one where Eli threw a 16 yard pass to Plax. You know, the one where he turned, looked, and saw the ball right in his hands on the first TD drive. Beautiful throw, excellent route. I wanna see more of that. But of course we won't
  2. No. Unfortunately we'll still torture ourselves by being tied for a wild card spot even if we lose. Every game matters this month. The Redskins aren't really out of it. Remember what they did last year?
  3. Put it in your sigs guys, Plax will explode this Sunday. The weather can't get any better for December 3rd.
  4. Better hope we remember this Sunday. Roy Williams is Shockey's bitch. Now's the time for him to break out.
  5. Your killing me VG. You're getting my hopes up :brooding: I agree 100% with you on Eli. And about Plaxico, think about it. Plax has had some great games going against the league's best WRs in his two years with the Giants. Last year against Oakland with Randy Moss had a very nice game, last year against Torry Holt had a great game, this year against Marvin Harrison had a very nice game, this year against the Cowboys had a nice game highlighted by a sensational catch. If that's his motivation, so be it. I don't like it, but if that's what gets him motivated, I'm fine for now. Look at the schedule. Against TO, Steve Smith, Santana Moss, etc. Hopefully I'm right then. Or I'm overthinking
  6. Hmm... I like what we got back in return. Jason Vargas doesn't suck that bad
  7. Speaking of future closers, does Henry Owens still have a shot at that? He's got some fastball.
  8. Wouldn't it be great if Eli explodes for 3 TDs and Romo throws 3 picks. I would be a happy man.
  9. 100% right. Too bad the players are turning on themselves though
  10. I expect: Zito Perez Maine Pelfrey I have no clue who our next guy would be. And we haven't even signed Zito yet.
  11. I thought Lovie Smith was the once every 5 years type coach when he came out. I was really pulling for the Giants to get him, but Coughlin was second because we needed discipline and that's what he was supposed to bring. I guess he didn't.
  12. To be honest, I agreed with the call.
  13. I think we'll see him on Sunday.
  14. Fassell and Coughlin on the same coaching staff I would love to see that practice.
  15. Damn right. I know my high will come eventually and I will be one happy man. It will come right?
  16. Ponder is a piece of shit. There's a reason he went to the Seahawks and did nothing there. Ward isn't the most explosive of returners, but it's nice to see someone who gets a few yards after his first hit unlike Morton. A prioritity this off-season is to improve our explosiveness on the returns.
  17. I can tell which one of you guys sat through the games in the 70s and all the Giants struggles from the ones who just watch to spend their Sundays. If you guys don't watch this game, give it up completely. You stick with your team no matter what.
  18. Remember the Steelers last year? Anything can happen. Yeah right If we win the super bowl, would we be the first team to fire the enitre coaching staff? Because that's what we should do.
  19. Yeah, I bet Eli would be tearing it up in SD.
  20. gateb


    It'll be over in division if we lose next week. We may still be leading wild card.
  21. I'd rather win out and have Eli play awesome then lose out and have him suck. I don't want 9 months of contemplating if he's the guy.
  22. gateb


    Last year I thought Shockey undeservingly got put in the same category as Plax. I still feel that is true. Shockey is a competitor. Without him, or offense would have even less fire than it has already.
  23. 5 years faster than Fassel too. We could've had Lovie Smith...
  24. Wanna have some false optimistm? We lost a heartbreaker at home to the Titans in 2002 following a horrible loss to Houston the previous week. We were up by 15 in the forth and McNair tore us apart and tied it up with a QB draw on a 2 point conversion. We were 6-6 heading into December and ran the table afterwards. Like that's gonna happen
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