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Posts posted by rico

  1. Man was I the opposite. I predominantly had 70% cheap hits when I played. But later in the year in the playoffs specifically, my average sucked but I was hitting balls right on the button. So maybe if I placed them better and continued to gain power I could've gotten even better my next season...

    I took my next year off and completely lost my swing....my BA the year aftyer my MVp year was like barely 200 with only 1 homer in like 20 games :(

  2. Yeah, I'm regretting quitting baseball a few years ago. I came off my breakout year winning MVP and having a sick .700 average. Most of that came off of weak grounders rolling down the third base line and me beating it out but I'd take it any way it came!


    But that was the time where I didn't know anything about baseball. To take on 3-0, to look fastball on 2-0 and 3-1, to protect the plate down 0-2, etc. And I was a great first basemen back in the day too ;)

    I remember my MVP year i had like 9 homers, pitched everyother game and had a virtually perfect game every day...my BA was low though but i did manage to have hit for 2 cycles....

  3. Damon was out at first, the call was missed. Rod threw a strike to second on the pitch out but DeRosa didn't cover the bag and that led to the ball going to center and Damon going to 3rd.

    Too bad for Loe, he pitched great.

    Hopefully, ya'lls pen gets active soon. :)

    HAHA i think we won the sig bet lol!

  4. I set the flag on the background and then i ahd the NY and Yanks symbol in the top right and your name top left and along the bottom of the flag i put the pics in

    oh okay

  5. We have a very tough schedule comming up... including vs the Yanks....

    starting Tuesday we have the Phillies for 3 game on the road, the Brewers on the road for 3 games, then on the road to the Cardinals for 3 games, then we have the Yanks at home which will be fun for 3 games, then the Phillies again at our home for 3 games.... the next 15 games are vs teams above .500 we'll see where we stand then

    Ohhhhhhhh that looks like a very tough schedule.....

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