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Posts posted by rico

  1. The guy has been pretty durable for ten years but is now succumbing to the spoils of the position. Where oh where do we find a replacement? :cwy:

    DAmn our whole team is getting hurt! :cwy:

  2. He is pretty much theonly guy in baseball who can catch for a knuckleball pitcher a.k.a tim wakefield. Mirabelli was on the team for about 3 years, but the Sox did not sign him in the off season. Once the Sox saw how ineffective Josh Bard was at catching the knuckleball, they traded bard and cash to the Padres for Mirabelli. That was the game that he was escorted in a police car from the airport just to make the yanks-sox gamer on time.

    it was a joke lol :LMAO:

  3. The Red Sox contend that Alex Rodriguez was faking it when he didn't realize he hit a Tim Wakefield knuckleball for a three-run homer in the top of the seventh that propelled the Yankees to a 7-5 win Tuesday night.


    "The guy's got 450 career home runs, he doesn't know when he squares one up?" said Boston catcher Doug Mirabelli. "I don't believe that." -Home run expert, Doug Mirabelli


    "I was surprised by it," A-Rod said of being asked about Mirabelli's quote. "Especially since the other guy [Ramirez] stood there like the Statue of Liberty."



    Ok and who is doug mariabelli again?

  4. FUCK NO! never will i ever let that happen, 1 he is already over 40 we dont need another old ass motherfucker thats only going to last a year and is going to cost us alot of money! I dont think the yankees would want him anyway!

  5. No, that's not what I do. It's what Mazzilli and Torre does. Then they don't learn the first day, they have to go out and get burned again. The Yankees started playing Bernie shallow a couple of years ago to make up for his weak arm, and I thought that was pure BS then.

    No its what you do to keep a run from scoring, because if its over your head then you have no cahnce to get the runner out but if its just a single theres a slight chance even with a weak arm like johnny!

  6. I remember my days back at the hot corner....I was a pretty shitty hitter though, but I made up for it on the mound and in the field. I had a few nice pitches.

    when i wasnt pitching i was out in RF i dont think anyone scored on me :P man i remember back in the old days when i was good in baseball now im just a football player!

  7. Let's see! Last night, Damon plays shallow and Wright hits one over his head for a game winner. Today, Damon plays shallow and Wright hits an RBI double. Yeah, I know they play him shallow because of his arm, but he can't throw a runner out at home anyway, maybe not even from 2nd base. Is this Mazzilli or Joey 4 rings?

    He was playing shallow last night because thats what you do when theres a runner in scoring position with the game on the line, in all leagues its just like the infield playing IN, its to save a run from scoring....

  8. I know he's lost games before, but this is different. These guys are hitting ropes against him whereas he used to lose them with little bloopers or dribblers. Until they can cure what's wrong with him, they better take him out of the closer role. This is getting effin serious.

    he was like this last year i hope he gets it back like he did last year but if not i think its time we move on......

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