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Posts posted by rico

  1. How do you all feel about LenDale? He could very well drop to us, and he could actually be the replacememnt for Tiki we;ve been looking for. Don't get me wrong, I know Tiki could carry us for a few more years, but surley at some poijnt we will need an every down back to replace him. We get LenDale and he shares the load with Tiki, keep both fresh and all that. I know we need a LB bad, but he is top 10 or 15 talent wise and could fall right in our lap.

    no he has a hamstring tear and LB, DT, and CB our are main focuses, if by some chance he falls to us in the 2nd round(like rodgers was supposed to go early but fell to GB) we can pull the triiger on him but our main focus is on those 3 positions!

  2. I say we jump on him!!


    He's gonna be a great back someday. I said awhile ago, if he was there (Which was very unlikely at the time), that we should nab him. Now, he will be.

    we have more important roles to fill like a DT now and A LB and a CB which will probably take up our first 3 rounds, next year we can look at a RB in the 1st orund....


    Tiki has 2 maybe 3 good years left in him...so i dont see us taking a RB in this draft!

  3. trade a-rod. Jeter is the face of the yankees and one of the bes clutch players in the league. I was disappointed with the a-rod trade in the first place. I felt we should've kept soriano, whos my favorite player, and waited for boone to recover. If we did this we would have won the world series last year(no doubt in my mind) both those guys are proven clutch players. Soriano can put up the same numbers as A-rod and Boone fits better into this team imo.

    soriano has the most errrors since like 1998 i think it said, on ESPN it showed he had like 192 or something it was pretty high though!

  4. Wily Mo Pena is the Red Sox version of Pedro Cerrano from "Major League." Cerrano can't hit the curve and Willy Mo swings and misses at every high-and-outside pitch thrown. He'd swing at 60 of them in a row. We need to get him a Jobu doll and some bat hats.




  5. lol, I'm just very hopefull... our team has only lost one division game so far, and now we are playing a respectable team people still have doubts.... barring injury we will be one of the best teams in the NL... with alot of young talent still yet to hit thier peak

    we havent lost any division games yet!!woo hoo but we havent played anyone from our division either!!lol but were gonna own the red sox!!we have too!!

  6. ***Out of town update***


    My friends are in Colorado right now and just called me. It's a slugfest, with Philadelphia winning 5-3 so far.


    They're going in the booth tomorrow to meet some of the broadcasters. Lucky :TD:


    Oh yeah, Sox won on Papelbon's 5th save.

    Your not 13!!


    Yankees are coming back up to bat now!!lets get some fucking runs!!

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