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Posts posted by rico

  1. Did you see the toss? The only shot I saw was cropped to show the ump getting hit.

    I didnt see him throw it but when it was on ESPN it showed the bat spining heads over tail so it looked like he didnt throw it at him to hurt him but he was throwing it at him

  2. So far, the pitching has been pretty damned good for a change. I know Jeter's average is due to drop, but I'm sure Matsui and A-Rod will soon pick up the slack.


    Even our OF looks better with Matsui getting quicker jumps on the ball, and a lot more hustle from Shef

    I agree bbut we need to get our heads out of our asses in order to do anything...If we have a chance we need a-unclutch-rod to actually hit a homerun when it sa close game...its cool hes hitting them when we are winning by 9-10 but when it comes down to it he needs to step his game up....

  3. I saw the tape of the ump getting hit with the bat, but it didn't show Young throwing it. Was it accidental, or did Young actually throw it at him?


    I ask because sometimes the media leaves something out if it makes a story less sensational.

    Ummm obviously it was on purpose but i dont hink he was trying to hurt him they way he tossed it....

  4. Once again...Sturtze givin up a long ball. What the fuck does Joey 4 rings see in this hack??!!!??? Procter givin' up a 3 run homer was bad enough, but to see Tanyon out there just bothers the shit out of me!!

    Tanyon is starting to become Mr. Unreliable....its kind of sad to see Torre have so much faith in him but then he lets Joe down....

  5. and I believe Mario Williams is the 2nd best prospect for DE, ever (besides Julius Peppers).

    Im 50/50 on him he is a beast but that was just at the end of the year......Mel Kiper Jr. said that he wa VERY good at the end of the year but at the begginning of the year he was a late first round pick...if he can show me that he can be a beast the entire year then ill join the bandwagon but RB is still better in my mind!

  6. HEy man is it really your birthday??I sasaw it on the bottom if it is HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!WOO HOO IF I KNEW I WOULD OF BOUGHT YOU A STRIPPER BUT EVERYONE LETS GET DRUNK for P4P!!!!!!!!! :rock::rock::flex::P

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