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Everything posted by fringe

  1. They seriously need a new GM but owner is afraid to leave himself without a football guy. He should hire Holmgren as a consultant and kick balke to the curb.
  2. He shouldn't put much stock into the fact that he was playing with his grandchildren. Grown men turn to putty when the grandkids are around.
  3. He's who I'd like for the Giants. As long as he had a strong OC.
  4. We have seen the offense without one game changing player now imagine a defense without one, oh wait we were watching that all season long. Good point
  5. yup and you can't be a creep to Professionals either.
  6. I would prefer a defensive minded coach.
  7. Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try....
  8. I like what Spags did this year with very little talent. Hope he stays.
  9. Nah, Parcells is too old, and he never was much of a GM. I agree with all of your other points.
  10. He's very good though. Did he declare for the NFL?
  11. seems like everyone gets injured at UCLA. Does Palmieri consult there?
  12. I would cut Randle right now. Don't even allow him on the bus,
  13. The only player to take an incentive laden contract was Ricky Williams... And he was stoned...
  14. Well it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
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