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Everything posted by fringe

  1. thus far i'm impressed with your sentence structure
  2. This is bad for the Herc community
  3. If you’re gonna get rid of the old man, you may as well get rid of Little Johnny Hayseed here. I don’t like my rebuilding projects to be half-assed. That’s how you end up creating the Football Knicks. even though the football knicks label is hysterical, every team in the league is going to ride their older QB's till their arm falls off. i may have mixed up my tenses there.
  4. GBfan12's PhotoGBfan1216 Dec 2015 I am scared that we will have to face you guys in the playoffs. I hope we don't. I see you guys as a dangerous team if you get in. You have the horses to beat anyone if you get in. You cant count out Eli in the playoffs. I know you guys will beat us again if you get in. I hope we get Minnesota but we have yet to get in too. Merry Christmas to you Giant fans!
  5. My feelings were he was an offensive coach first and he relied on others to focus on the defense. In a sense, that's similar to what you're saying but a head coach needs to focus on the team. That and the damn injuries sealed his fate.
  6. Congrats on Favre's induction. Hope he keeps his weiner in his pants.
  7. LOL, they were great years We showed up on almost every offensive highlight reel...as the defense...
  8. Lol, everyone is Ryan leaf and Matt Leiinart till they show differently
  9. you say that as if QB's are so plentiful. Unless they have an Andrew Luck replcement, GM's will hold on to QB's like Eli with a death grip.
  10. what, no highlights of pettigout's false starts?
  11. fringe

    Ed's kid

    I'm not saying he's wrong, just that compared to all of the benefits he's received from a super entitled life with a pedigreed family, he should probably just grin and bare it. I'm sure the kids who had to fight their way out of the inner cities are feeling very sorry for the kid. He just can't get a break!
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