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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Not sure what youre asking but he was Dc with the panthers for a year and broncos for 3. I guess youre saying Denver was good so thats not on him. If they were bad, youd like him more?
  2. Do they really want us to believe that Bradys so called injury can affect the game. Please... should have a ninja turtles band aid...
  3. Thats fine- hes better when not in charge
  4. yup, i don't know how much say he had in picking the kickers but they were awful. placekicker and punter each definitely cost us a game or 2. not too many turnovers from our side but not a lot of memorable returns either. Give him a C
  5. Ok, so you really have no reason for your opinion. Don't like his mustache, maybe? I would like to see Cashman be the GM of Seattle Mariners or Tampa Bay Rays before I go ahead and crown him. The Yankees without Steiny are the easiest team to GM for.
  6. Then I dont understand your critique. He had hits and misses just like Cashman.
  7. He worked for Steiny right? Sure that didnt affect his performance at all.. too lazy to look for eye roll smiley...
  8. yup only 3 championships in this century- awful- oh wait....
  9. Telling that Webb couldn't jump past Gino all year. If they thought he was the future, he'd have gotten a shot that game. Unless no one knows what they're doing, he didn't make enough progress.
  10. still need a leadoff CF. Buyers market this season. they may wait it out thru March.
  11. I don't trust this story. I'll believe it at the press conference. What happened to Schwartz?
  12. Eva Longoria, Andrew McCutchen= wildcard? Maybe, if pitching returns to form.
  13. Even before that, Giants have never been known to reach for the marquis guy. Coughlin, Fassell, Reeves, Parcells- none of them were big names. Reeves was a SB coach but a loser. Not saying they were bad choices, but most of those guys would have taken the HC job for maybe 25 teams.
  14. Not to Patricia, apparently. Giants often don't get marquis coaches.
  15. Did he play for Coughlin?
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