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Everything posted by fringe

  1. The timing seems self serving. As long as it doesn't affect his play, I don't care.
  2. he said he has relatives in jersey.
  3. not bad, definitely warranted.
  4. that's how it was called by buck as well. it ended up being no cheapie
  5. hey x, did molina's ball look gone live? to me it didn't look like he got all of it.
  6. speaking of beltran, how can you not swing at a curve ball with 2 strikes? i can accept swing and miss.
  7. shit, i forgot all about that. didn't he then go on to lead the orange crush to their first of many super bowl losses?
  8. Craig Morton opened a bar in North Beach. (kind of the little italy of SF) it has since closed but not before he and I had a long night of scotch and giants talk. very good guy (hates staubach)
  9. The bookies? Is that what happened to Brown and Kannel?
  10. Still think he should have been out there, regardless. You go down with your best.
  11. he had a disclaimer at the end of that.
  12. I know why, but I was surprised. The book has him out there.
  13. we all turn republican after our first escalade.
  14. old tug mcgraw is rollin over in his grave.
  15. how about saying "right now, i'm concentrating on the Cowboys. after the season, i'll make a decision."
  16. with all due respect (which is not much), what a bunch of pussies to give up on a team down 3-2.
  17. The Mets specialize in Hollywood style Game 6 drama. Expect no less tonight.
  18. no, the post is a temple of journalistic purity. ESPN ran with this vanilla story as well. just goes to show ya how spin happens.
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