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Everything posted by fringe

  1. The plan for the Giants is to offer each free agent enough to be in the running but not enought to actually sign them so that it looks to the fans that they are trying. ..... Then go to Bonds and sign him since no one else wants him.....then pick up a few over 35 ballpayers (Aurilia,etc.)...... tease the fans with good pitching and defense only to secure 4th place in the shitty division. :brooding:
  2. so far all i've seen from coughlin is teaching tiki how to hold the ball, how to make your watch fast for meetings, and how to look like an asshole on the sidelines. From a legacy standpoint, Fassel is much more memorable so far.
  3. can't argue there. maybe we should try to come out easy and go down fighting.
  4. nellie (sober i think) said he's the best center he's ever had.
  5. That's right, the Tony LaRussa of football. 98 Vikings game plan: "Randall, just throw the ball high and far and let Moss and Carter run under it" that's an offensive genius.
  6. Big Deal- GSW Hoops beat them and the Spurs.
  7. he can't multitask, it can be a bed or breakfast, not both.
  8. this conversation is tired, Kid and not on subject. we were talking about the hypothetical of fassel helping the Giants this year.
  9. It's going to take a lot of focus to beat Dallas. They had 'that look' on Thursday. Even TO wasn't screwing around. You got to give Tuna credit, this may be his swan song.
  10. When I see the way the refs treat the Raiders, sometimes I think it's a vendetta against Al Davis. I mean, all these weird reversals happen to them. Immaculate reception, tuck rule, sunday it was the illegal forward pass crap. Almost makes me want to root for them.
  11. Barry Switzer and Bobby Ross went to the Super Bowl too. Look, I think Fassel may be the most influential HC in Giants history. He was the first coach to give us offense! I think he could be another Coryell if he would just specialize on being an offensive guru. His management of the other 2 facets were weak.
  12. i said that for your benefit.
  13. wow, behind the Jets.... that's pathetic.
  14. only when it comes to offense. he neglected defense and special teams. fassel would be a great OC with a team that gives him freedom. not buying that one.
  15. That's what I hear the Cubs are offering. If that's so, what's Zito going to get?
  16. Fassel's not doing anything currently. The guy is an excellent offensive play caller and QB coach. He knows the Giants system, he created most of it. If Huff and Cough can suck up their pride and get help, I think he's the guy that can right the ship. For him, if he's successful, it gives him cred for a job next year. It's a win-win. Now I know someone on this board will say "my inside sources say Fassel did something to embarass the organization blah blah blah...." So what if he got a blow job from an admin. or if he embarrassed their puritan ethics by giving up his kid for adoption. Nothing to do with football. Save the coach, save the season.....
  17. anyone else get nervous hearing these words from Nas?
  18. that's right gate, even though the bar was significantly lower in the 70's. (7-9 was a very successful season) there were still those games like yesterday. My Dad used to say: "They tear your heart out, every game" The lows just make the highs taste sweeter.
  19. he's thrown a few passes short. the last interception yesterday, for example. i don't think its arm strength but its definitely accuracy.
  20. It's easy to say we are big chokers but if you take a look around the league, there's a lot of teams in the same boat. Look at Seattle, loaded with talent and struggling due to some key injuries. That's the team that I think mirrors the Giants the most. We can right this ship when we get some players back. The injuries have played a major role in our recent troubles.
  21. demps shows terrible tackling form time and again. never wraps his arms and takes bad angles to the ball.
  22. fringe


    why is he wearing brandon jacobs suit?
  23. that was a very good pass and an excellent route. i noticed that because i see those so rarely.
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