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Everything posted by fringe

  1. one thing the Giants do fairly consistently is beat teams worse than them.
  2. amen, brother. enough with the excuses. eagles lost mcnabb and the freak and kept right on truckin'
  3. I like that they are being quiet. They talked enough all season. Someone finally gagged the big mouths.
  4. well those numbers are definitely showing a pattern of impatience, which is a weakness of our coaching staff. good research, nesta!
  5. You are right, teams usually run on 2nd down after a 1st down incompletion. i don't mind the pass on 1st down as long as its a high percentage completion type of play. we go down the field too much on 1st down.
  6. He was talking about it on HBO INSIDE NFL last night. Said it was the highlight of his career.
  7. How about for once we come out with an agressive plan on defense. Whether its pressure the passer or take away westbrook, do it. If it fails, at least we had a plan. Seems we're always surprised on defense because we're just reacting. LET'S GO DOWN SWINGING.
  8. also watch for lincecum on '08, maybe late "07
  9. the new and improved Zito Hudson Mulder???
  10. never mind cowher. we'll take palamula and porter.
  11. The Raiders will be taking one of the 2 QB's playing tonight or they will trade down.
  12. i think romeo will survive another year. he had 15 guys on IR, that will stop any coaching plan.
  13. surprising he would mention the giants specifically.
  14. i thought they would be terrible last year but they brought up some kids who will only get better and nomar really contributed. the bullpen is not the best but Coletti (former Giant Assistant) has impressed me in his ability to fix problems quickly. Of course they'll miss the base running prowess of Drew and the mendoza line flirtation of jose cruz jr. but I still see them as the class of the NL West.
  15. Where did I compare him to Billick? I'm saying he will get reprimanded and given one more chance a la Billick. As far as talented players, I think the Giants have comparable talent to the Ravens. Just a case of diminished returns.
  16. i guess you haven't seen many raider games. moss is plax's mentor as far as giving up on plays. and he makes 7 mill per. TO is not thriving in Dallas either. What are you smoking today, Nas?
  17. I think he'll get a year or 2 extension in his contract and a billick style reprimand to change his relationship with the team and bring on competent coordinators.
  18. my predictions are still under construction but what's bad about the Dodgers? They got stronger I think.
  19. shiancoe's been a bonehead since he was drafted. if he's such a good blocker, why isn't he the 2nd TE in that set instead of Seubert? most of the time, they are going to double plax, regardless of who the TE is. But Shiancoe, they guard with a LB is what I meant. eagles would be quite happy if shockey doesn't play.
  20. why in the world would we do that?
  21. I got used to watching the game at the bar where you can't hear the talk. I always wondered where some people on this board got their hairbrained ideas. Now I know its from these announcers.
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