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Everything posted by fringe

  1. I don't know about you guys but I'm kind of through with the Giants wasting high draft picks on receivers. We have such a poor record of recruitment and development. Also, receivers on the whole are tough to judge. We're better off getting free agents or low draft picks and stick to defense in the early rounds, which we know better.
  2. i agree with your decision smalls. it was a pointless thread.
  3. Unless they're from Jersey like Christian Peters.
  4. 1. It has indeed been a privelege to watch him play baseball and especially swing the bat. No one else comes close to the impact he, as one player has on the game. 2. I would not cross the street to shake his hand (and i have had the opportunity). He is as arrogant as they come and he will be a lonely man when his career is over. 3. I do think he is taking a bullet for a lot of players and that is why very few have the nerve to speak against him. Cast no stones if thy house is glass. 4. The only record that counts to Giants fans is when we are going to break our futility record and win a world series. i'm sure YOU can appreciate THAT.
  5. burkett's also a pro bowler, has like a 223 average or thereabouts.
  6. really, i think he just can't keep his trap shut but strategically he is painting bosox mgmt in a corner if they don't extend him. the fans will demand it.
  7. it surprises me that you fall for this guy's shtick, mic.
  8. they're reaching out to him right now. of course, we must be careful not to prejudge his case, this is america.
  9. this guy's act is so tiresome. the false loyalty is so touching.
  10. an eagle fan told me that growing up he thought jaworski's jersey number was 567
  11. too bad, not a lot of leaves in San Diego.
  12. some of us who suffered through the 70's would have embraced mediocrity.
  13. we have a chance for a 3-4-5 lineup of Durham-Aurillia-Winn. Tell me that doesn't strike fear...
  14. they'll need it with that lineup.
  15. That's a very good point.
  16. granted, the book is still out on him, i just didn't see much when he was out there. on KR's he pretty much ran straight into the waiting arms of the defense.
  17. When I was reading the post, Mushnick was the Sports TV critic.
  18. moss has shown nothing so far. also, probably the worst KO returner since jason sehorn. no moves whatsoever.
  19. Anthony John Pierzynski- what other catcher could cliam being traded for 2 starters and an all star closer?
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