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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Were lulling them to sleep. Romo doesnt get it
  2. Were missing our tight end. Those other sloths dont scare anyone
  3. Thought that colts game would never end
  4. Jeff Fisher is an insomniacs dream as an announcer.
  5. I get Saints Giants on CBS. The worlds gone crazy
  6. Thats weird- Im getting the Jets -Jags game on Fox. 2 AFC teams I guess thats the local channel?
  7. Brees needs 417 to break Manings record. Eli will play safety as well as QB to protect brother's record.... Nationwide is on our side.....
  8. I read that he and Leonard Marshall would purposely get RTP penalties in the first quarter to set the tone
  9. What about Snacks????? Anyone know??
  10. And the sack by 3 fingers Pierre
  11. Theres been about 4 rtp penalties in this Monday night game- and about 4 turnovers
  12. Tiki used to fumble a lot. The game slows down for guys in their 2nd year. Was he dropping this year,? I havent noticed.
  13. Brady Quinn went 23 of 39 with 2 TDS in his.Browns debut.
  14. The speed difference between him and the other tight ends is noticeable. When 85 caught that 1st down pass on the sidelines, it looked like he was running in sand
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