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Everything posted by fringe

  1. maybe we should extend the roster to 50 so each player only has to play 3 days a week at the most. i really don't see a valid argument here, vg. you could argue just as well that since hitting is about timing, the day off could affect you negatively as well.
  2. Avtually you just did ask me to compare it to what i do. Frankly, I think they are coddled way too much and exhaustion is used as an excuse for slumps, etc. Take Pedro Feliz, for example (please take him) . Last year, he had a good first half RBI wise and they said he wore down in te 2nd half from playing every day. Truth is, he's a slop swinger who got lucky in the first half of last season. He came back this year well rested and still swinging at slop. Pitchers and catcher, absolutely need rest. Older players, definitely. But between 20 and 33, you're superman.
  3. they don't play everyday, they play 6 days a week.
  4. aww poor little millionaires. people dig ditches in the hot sun too. granted, with ranger pitching, there's more running around. but i'm still sure it doesn't top 10 minutes.
  5. How many minutes in a given game is a fielder actually in motion? Maybe 10 minutes total? If you don't get injured and you are in good shape, you should not wear down playing baseball unless you're a pitcher or catcher.
  6. Nashville cheap shots Cheechoo and still loses. GO SHARKS>>>>>
  7. i'm sure you had help on that.
  8. Otsuka-Eaton for Gonzalez-Young-Sledge??????? Your GM should be drawn and quartered. We can't get freaking Gonzalez out. He hits everything hard!!
  9. actually, my buddy went to that school. it's a lot to ask of an Oxy grad, come to think of it.
  10. besides, how hard is it to spell F-E-A-G-L-E-S?
  11. are they always west coast games or do they make east teams start at that time? if its the latter, pitchers love that. shadows favor them most of the game.
  12. Arod will go to SF to fill Bonds shoes and he will be worshipped or (if he's smart) he goes to a home run friendly park where he can quietly hit 35-40 hr's for the next 10 years and set the record.
  13. Cain had a .211 average against last year and i think young was like .210, best in baseball. only problem with cain is the walks (although he was getting squeezed in the first inning). only problem with young is he is easy to run on when ou get men on base (which we can't). i can't say i didn't expect this. the giants are who i thought they were. still, last night was frustrating.
  14. talk to me when you beat a team with major league hitters. not when you play the old timers league.
  15. K-Rod was cheating in the first game, too. Scioscia continues to fuck with you guys. He won't stop until your pitchers start mowing Angels down early.
  16. :closedeyes: cain did not get shelled, he got 2 pitches up in the zone. he left it was 3-3. bochy has to learn he doesn't have the madres bullpen anymore. wasn't kouz's fault on the pop fly, it was khalil, she never called him off.
  17. well that would make sense, then. thanks gate.
  18. what, you don't think durham was born for the cleanup spot? meanwhile, if dicey k doesn't win tonite, epstein enters witness protection.
  19. he's good and he's getting better.
  20. with that thinking, a touchback is a bad thing. its not where it lands, it's where it ends up that counts. if average runback is to the 28 or so, add 15 yards there, and the 40 is a good average guess. but my question is, is there a rule that would add yards to the out of bounds penalty.
  21. If a team is penalized 15 yards for too much partying after a TD, they have to kickoff from the 20 yard line, right? So, I always wondered why they just don't kick it out of bounds, being that the 40 would be considered a decent outcome of that kick. Is there a rule that states differently?
  22. Cain will shut them down tonite. lead pipe lock.
  23. like a 3 baseman, unlike pete happy.
  24. funny guys., the both of ya. not his fault, he actually looked good. happy pete booted a double play ball that led to the big inning. and of course no hitting. giants suck. peavy looked really good, though.
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