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Everything posted by fringe

  1. yeah even though i despise the rally monkeys, the donny moore thing is not cool at all.
  2. his early success was due to the hype. it took lb's a while to slow down enough to tackle him. he was like a pitcher with a slow curve.
  3. is that the name of the football team for which you root?
  4. in the spirit of fair play, you should name your team. only sportswriters are allowed neutral criticism. i always thought you were a giants fan. what the heck is a nevis?
  5. nothing to discuss. it was a terrible pick, i agree. from your glee, i would assume all of the cowboys picks have been stars. shall we review?
  6. Not that I want to get into this ridiculous discussion but: Dave Brown was also a number 1 draft pick with high expectations. Not a very good example.
  7. not quite. but when you have a killer change up, an 88 mph fast ball is plenty fast enough. jst ask whats his name in san diego.
  8. he's in his twilight but i think you know he's a legend and deservedly so.
  9. cruz is a better fielder than bradley for sure. i say this even though he lost a playoff series for us in '03 (?) by dropping a routine pop. (which dave roberts {sd scrub} did tonite as well)
  10. Have you noticed lately the shortage of decent first basemen? It used to be catchers.
  11. fringe

    help me

    i agree with you about that and have no issue with him leaving on his own terms. Media is supposed to report news, not dish dirt on co-workers and the people who supported them it's odd you cannot understand this.
  12. fringe

    help me

    Big Blue, i feel you have to separate the man in uniform from the man. I'm a SF Giants fan and I love watching Barry Bonds play baseball (let's not go off on tangents here, I'm just making a point). He has a great eye and a sweet swing. He's also respectful between the lines. When he takes that uniform off and puts street duds on, another story entirely and a separate judgement. I would not cross the street to shake his hand. From your definition, that makes me a hypocrite.
  13. fringe

    help me

    fishgut said it all a lot more eloquently than I could have.
  14. ahh, i think he pinch hit last nite you could always trade 3 pitching prospects for aj pierzinski
  15. Hey Midas, what happened to that catcher on SD who you said was the second coming of Johnny Bench. I forgot his name. The announcers said Barrett will be taking most of the games, is the other guy hurt?
  16. fringe

    help me

    thank you, big blue. i have no problem with anyone. it's just a discussion. as far as tiki goes, he doesn't have to air the dirty laundry of the team to enrich his publicity. you don't see parcells talking shit about TO on ESPN. He just wouldn't do that because it's not professional. Besides, he can rely on his own talent as a broadcaster. when tiki complains about the past, he's creating publicity, or self promoting. really, he's getting bad advice from TV people looking for immediate gains, and they don't give 2 shits about his long term career.
  17. I was at the game Friday nite. One thing I never noticed before, almost everyone on the Yankees is mocha latte color.
  18. fringe

    help me

    the 'lunatic' feels the dog is taking his words out of context. my implication is at least shockey feels that he is speaking out for the betterment (is that a word?) of the team. tivi has no other intention but his own spin and publicity. the lunatic thanks the admiral for his support.
  19. fringe

    help me

    i think the dog understands my point. but if the dog wants to act like he doesn't , so be it. i don't have the time to argue.
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