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Everything posted by fringe

  1. nah, i have DISH. but pinky's pizza has all the games and cute young waitresses.
  2. i've only gotten the 2 national games so far.
  3. mets fans sure personalize a lot. it's playoff time, boys. forget your allegiances and watch baseball. didn't you learn from porky lasorda last year?
  4. :glare: we had him already, helped get us in the series in '02.
  5. ..Kenny Lofton...... Guy is in the playoffs every freaking year... and he contributes.
  6. motesay, is that you? F the Yanks.
  7. i'm assuming he was insurance for plax but now they want to go with a more versatile guy.
  8. according to the article, the reasons make sense.: he's no help on special teams he can only play one receiver position they got an exp'd guy who may challenge mcQ for punt return duty. mcQ could use some challenging.
  9. Cubs-Indians in the WORLD SERIES, THE BATTLE FOR FUTILITY. They represent the 2 teams who've gone the longest without a WORLD SERIES WIN. CUBS WIN and the Giants move up to 2nd place in the futility race.
  10. well it was a great game. weird things happen at Coors. worst place for team who's strength is pitching to have to win a 1 game playoff. raw deal but they had their chances to wrap it up early.
  11. i kept switching back and forth- do you mean they let heath bell hit a few times with men on base?
  12. it was amazing that at the time the rockies used 7 pitchers, the pads used 2, then i thought to myself 'well that means the pads haven't had men on base for the previous 3 innings." They went stretches there with no base runners.
  13. he'd fit right in to the giants youth movement. come on, it's coors field- you can't throw a change up at coors.
  14. oh- maybe i didn't look hard enough
  15. last year, we beat everyone worse than us and lost to everyone better. so this bodes well.
  16. jeter has always been protected by a powerhouse lineup. always sees good pitches. put him on a weak hitting team and he'd have a very tough time. not saying he's not good (matter of fact,he's been amazingly clutch) but being on the yankees definitely makes him better. i'd take reyes in a heartbeat, you can't teach speed.
  17. Keith Olberman is dead to me after he brought up "The Fumble" last night.
  18. fringe


    i liked the way he kept calling andrea kramer "man"
  19. well beethoven was deaf, so maybe there's hope. but i get your drift
  20. they're all meaningful. if you're asking if the guy is clutch- i'd say so. because of his pitches, there's less chance of him serving up a hanger or a bp fastball than any other closer. that, plus he doesn't get injured.
  21. i didn't see that at all. in fact, i'm surprised at how at ease he seems in this role. (the today show is another story entirely, he's embarrassing himself). he comes prepared and he's able to talk intelligently on all subjects. definitely surpasses the bus and just about anyone on CBS.
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