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Everything posted by fringe

  1. i'm not sold on gerard. he's got a windup like randy johnson with the bases empty.
  2. i think ditto meant evasive action and i agree with you, VG. he's not a dancer. he needs to bust between the tackles. the fumbles- well, they need to stop.
  3. i don't think johnson wants HC, that's what i've heard anyway.
  4. why would that scenario come up? i don't think spags has any loyalty to cough. what you'd have to worry about there is if andy reid stepped down, eagles might interview spags to be HC. (just my own speculation)
  5. we already clinched a playoff berth, didn't we?
  6. You guys who say "You Guys" need to: *stop grouping everyone in one category.
  7. america hates ny fans because of the yankees. giants fans are lovable. get it right, mason dixon.
  8. i did not see any balls that were catchable missed by shockey but i did see him oleā€² on some blocks. i give him a B- for the game- I give Eli a B
  9. but not a complete idiot because when he opens up the offense and goes 4 wide- it comes alive. now maybe they are just more patient than us. as stated before, i agree about the red zone- infinitely predictable.
  10. *Every week, as soon as we go to the spread offense, it's like Eli's whole game changes and he can see the entire field. I don't know if we are trying to lull the other team to sleep with our crap play calling the rest of the time. But, it would be nice to open up a game with the spread offense, grab a lead and then ram it down their throats with Jacobs the rest of the game. *The goal line play calling remains awful (even with Eli 2 missed passes to Shockey). The first drive, it seemed the first 2 plays wre supposed to be redemption for Droughns not getting in on the 35 yard run. A run in which he has to fight harder to score on that play. Again, all it takes is a little deception on the goal line and we deceive noone with the run, run, pass selection. *We dodged a bullet on the last 4th down Philly play. I think the pierce got there a bit early but no call was made.
  11. if he was in his right mind, he never would have bought that suit, much less wear it on TV.
  12. i heard he can't be a CF and there's no wells on the giants.
  13. all we are saying... is give piece a chance....
  14. if rios was a center fielder, i'd probably do it. we have a lot of outfielders but none that play center well- a very important position in ATT park. otherwise, i don't see how much difference he'll make with the likes of durham and winn protecting him.
  15. well, you can fault him for not developing any offensive talent in the minors- and we drafted as many as we did pitchers- they were all busts so far.
  16. yet not too smart to sign dave roberts, ray durham and randy winn long term.
  17. i just heard sabean say toronto is not interested in cain, only lincecum. which (reading between the lines) means he offered cain. that's surprising to me.
  18. ditto's a cool guy but he drank a lot of yankee kool aid over the years.
  19. Ditto's smokin shit again- no way that one of them were even mentioned (by the giants) for matsui
  20. i can't even name one pitcher on the yankees.
  21. Lowry's a 15 game winner on the yanks- christ he won 14 with a crap team. also, he's very popular with the female fans. could reach lee mazilli status in NY.
  22. They were talking about Noah Lowry and a reliever for Godzilla and Betiment (sp?)
  23. Ronnie Lott says he's in game shape.
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