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Everything posted by fringe

  1. good point. you canadians are smart. must be that free health care.
  2. I think they both proved that you need a good staff of assistants and a good QB to be a 'genius' coach.
  3. carey's an excellent ref, good for him that he finally got a shot at the big game.
  4. Let us only hope that egg and his alter ego dog's absence is permanent.
  5. where the hell was tynes running to after the kick- he blew off the whole team.
  6. craigslist.org- you should check your local area. actually, dallas may be a good palce to find them at a discount. teehee.
  7. craigslist has some for between $1k-2k each.
  8. i know- i'll gladly give up my scottsdale spring training trip for this.
  9. I'm trying too, Nem. I'll let you know. Maybe Jerry Jones is selling some.
  10. i can honestly say i did not think of tiki even once thruout the playoffs.
  11. Y.A., this one's for you and your teammates!!! :rock:
  12. that's the reason for my 'huh' like why bring this up now?
  13. I knew he'd hit from 47- that's our charmed distance.
  14. a little diddy from this morning's sf chronicle: 01-19) 16:38 PST -- Wade Phillips, coach of the Dallas Cryboys (Cowboys? Whatever) has focused public attention on the fundamental flaw in the NFL's playoff system: Games. After the Cryboys lost to the Giants last week, Phillips concluded that the better team lost. He said so publicly, for the benefit of those of us who don't know much about football and tend to judge teams by misleading stats, like "wins." When you play games, stuff happens. Flukey plays, strange calls, injuries, moments of greatness, twists of fate. Those things detract from the purity of the sport. Phillips is right. We need an entirely new system. Something like this: After the regular season, you get groups of writers, coaches, barbers, whatever, to vote in various polls. Each group is chosen for its unique agenda, bias, regional favoritism and knowledge gaps. You toss all the polls into a computer, kind of like the way sausage is made. In a gala ceremony we'll call Operation Hairball, the computer spits out the names of the two "best" teams, which then play in the Super Bowl. That game should be eliminated, too, because the better team almost always loses, but without the Super Bowl, the alcohol and avocado industries would collapse. It's a trade-off. All the other teams would play one another in a bunch of random, meaning-free "bowl" games. This season, though, we know which team is No. 1: The Cryboys.
  15. who cares what those 3 stooges have to say?
  16. did you mean gauging or gagging- which is what you did last sunday.
  17. most would say you follow bigblue around like a..... well like a dog.
  18. Georgia's on my mind- RIP She's the reason you get to watch NFL double headers in SOCAL-
  19. as long as we continue not to turn the ball over, we have a very good chance, regardless of the weather.
  20. so they're prejuduce against assholes- that's not even a minority in this country.
  21. well i wouldn't say mcgwire was smart. and i do question the impetus of extreme measures and cost used to finally get an indictment on bonds.
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