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Everything posted by fringe

  1. No you dont, but youre still mistaken
  2. I dont see mod by your name so spare me the lecture but anyway its not for trash talk. Read what he said about another member
  3. Youre going to get yourself banned. If thattwhat you want, just keep it up.
  4. you need to learn from Dayne. He's a gentleman.
  5. Read? Yes comprehend? Probably not. His thickness is epic
  6. I’d like to see if more athletic tackles is the answer. The Defensive end or most pass rushers have evolved into athletes yet the offense stays the same with slow 320 plus guys. I’m not a OL coach and maybe rightly so but I’ve seen athletic 240 lb guys hold a block pretty well.
  7. i agree- although, he seems to be made of silly putty because he always bounces back. that last hit, i thought i saw pieces of brain come out, yet he jogged over to the sidelines like nothin.
  8. wouldn't that be something? with couglin, more likely he has a tremendous game or 2 then a mysterious hip injury that lingers for the season.
  9. I hope Carsons s knee doesnt fall off
  10. Were not very good. Dont start anointing a 3-3 team just yet. Beat someone + 500 first
  11. I dont think anyone ever asked you to praise the Giants.
  12. I think Kap would at least be fun and athletic. Its a lost season
  13. Fitzpatrick? A mid 30s statue prone to interceptions? The only difference is the beard. ???☺️☺️
  14. It’s better than last minute losing by a 80 yd field goal
  15. He could stay at TRUMP TOWER.
  16. I think he would be an exciting change of pace.
  17. If it weren't for the fact that he's getting David Carr'd out there, I'd still like to see him perform with a little time. Beckham is double covered on almost every play. That means Eli has to look off him to let his route develop. By the time he does that, the rush is on him. The rest of the stuff, tipped int's fumbles, inaccuracy- that's been going on his entire career. A QB who's a threat to run can hold up 1 or 2 rushers whose job it is to protect the outside. I'd say this is 75% on the Oline
  18. Seems they are in danger of losing the team like last year. Beckham, Apple , lackluster pursuit, many mistakes, lack of concentration. Be a PR nightmare either way,
  19. well yeah- he's going to have to run for his life but he likes that. and he'll play for food money. I don't know if the Maras have the courage. Tisch would.
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