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Everything posted by fringe

  1. she became tommy lasorda's mistress and now has her own luxury box.
  2. you're probably right. sandy koufax just threw out first pitch for the meatheads. he still looks like he could go a few innings- not on sabbath though.
  3. has a 1-2-3 1st inning v the Dodgers. Game starts in an hour.
  4. there are sample questions on line. the secret is to do 1-50 first without stopping for the tricky ones- then go back to them. a lot of folks don't finish. me- i skipped all the math ones till the end because thats my weakness.
  5. Darren Davis running back from Iowa State is reported to have turned in a 4. Sebastian Janokowski the kicker from Florida State turned in a 9. Reports early on in Vince Young's combine said that he turned in a 6 but later scored a 14, which happens to be the same score as hall of famer Dan Marino. The average score for a player in the combine is 19 while the average score for people in everday life is a 21. It is said that anything under a 10 suggest literacy problems. Also Pat McInally a punter/wide reciever from harvard is the only NFL player to turn in a perfect 50 on the test.
  6. i hear you, bleedin. but 20-25 is considered average intelligence. I scored 28 myself. I used to give this test as part of employment screening. Besides a low threshold, we also had a high, above which we didn't feel people who were that intelligent would be right for the position at hand. Perhaps part of Eli's early struggles (and this is only a hypothesis) was that he was over analyzing and not trusting his inbred football instincts. This is a product of high intellect people.
  7. Around 20 is as much as you will ever need to grasp all that the NFL is going to throw at you. After that, its diminishing returns. As someone's sig says "it ain't rocket surgery"
  8. nothing wrong with that lineup. you'll beat the crap out of the orioles.
  9. met him in the 90's at Le Bar Bat. Him and his lady friend- he was engaging and quite funny. we had a good conversation.
  10. shockey clearly wasnt on his game- otherwise he would have said "it's with your mom"
  11. which part? the steroid dude accusation or the coveting thy neighbors wife thing?
  12. Wow- we definitely qualify for an SF Giants section!!!!!
  13. welcome change- go from sexual harasser to gay basher.
  14. Hey, another SF Giants sufferer. Welcome to my comrade in futility!
  15. thats my point, ancient history! he's been a model citizen in oakland.
  16. i saw rw mcquarters at my temple last week for sabbath services.
  17. I recall when the NoFunLeague instituted the penalty for taking off your helmet while on the field. Warren Sapp, at the time, said that they were trying to strip away the individuality of the player and market the league, not the player. So, some grew the hair to show individuality- I don't really think they are insecure, just letting their freak flag fly.
  18. obviously sour grapes for the beat down he gave your boys the other night.
  19. yes, mo cheeks deserves a lot of credit.
  20. isnt it mostly defenders that have long hair? i can't think of any offensive guys off hand.
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