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Everything posted by fringe

  1. We are worse than last year- last year we had a bunch of injuries to skill players and we were playing teams on a 2nd place schedule. This year we are relatively healthy and we are playing teams on a last place schedule.
  2. this - and how would Eli solve anything for the Jags?
  3. Cody Kessler looks better than Eli
  4. Texans haven’t lost a game since the Giants Giants haven’t won a game since the Texans
  5. Young team looking for confidence. I say right thought wrong play call.
  6. Yeah a little deception would have opened a hole. I give them credit for going for 2 though. You probably wouldnt get a better chance to win.
  7. Lets hope they dont have a short career with terrible QBs in common.
  8. Right on cue they said the Giants played the first one.
  9. Did someone forget to bring the first down mark highlighter?
  10. marshall faulk was a big part of showtime or whatever they called themselves. But they needed a QB...Payton struggled with bad teams until the defense dominated...Emmitt , ok i'll give you that. The RB who had the most influence on Dallas winning was Herscel Walker. And don't start bringing up Crazy Legs Hirsch
  11. I hope Barkley is great forever.Theres no real relevant data to show that a great RB leads to championships. Usually they fizzle after a couple years. Even the long lasting ones like Tomlinson and AP havent had that kind of effect. He can be a great piece of the puzzle but we need a QB. Otherwise its the 90s again.
  12. 2 things can equally be true:Barkley was a no brainer pick We needed a QB
  13. Cardinals could have a worse OL than the Giants. Goff looked awful his first year too.
  14. How long do we need to have this thread open for dumb comments? Archive this mother father!
  15. My sources tell me that his injury spooked him. Hasnt been bold like he cane out the gate.
  16. Of course they're still his team. There's no reason to question his loyalty.
  17. Mostly it's Same Circus, Different Clowns...
  18. Lucks arm is not a liability, its an asset. I understand where you were going I think. Its a fragile asset. Colts got a treasure trove of picks from the Jets- which makes you wonder what Gettleman was talking about when he said people were offering a hot dog and a bag of chips. Barkley wouldve been gone but we could be well on our way to rebuild. Not saying that was the right thing, just questioning whether They listened at all to offers
  19. hey if you want my mother, go for it. Isnt it Time for you to pat yourself on the back for anothe amazingr in game prediction?
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