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Everything posted by fringe

  1. I make a motion that anyone who mentions this disgusting game gets banned for a week without warning- just dropped thru the trap door. anyone second?
  2. thanks, captain buzzkill
  3. Great article in SI- my favorite quote: Read it all here
  4. franco used to tie bonds up in knots. they had some memorable battles. in 1983, my boss gave me an option- boston or sf- i said can i think about that for half a second? but business brought me back to NY in '91- then back out west again in '99.
  5. i thought everyone loved franco? they did when i lived in NY.
  6. Curious- have the Mets ever had a closer the fans liked liked besides Franco?
  7. Fetus- what team do he play for?
  8. Look what's happened to them since the Harden trade. The bottom fell out completely, they just lost a series at home to the royals in front of 12,000. i don't think this is one of beane's shining moments.
  9. they are definitely hearing footsteps.
  10. we're doomed- thunder stix and the rally monkey in the series again.
  11. they call catchers equipment 'tools of ignorance' i guess bc you have to be a little stupid to strap them on.
  12. the tools of ignorance lay heavy on those old slow legs.
  13. i think he puts the #1 down way too often. giants have more 2 strike hits against than any other team. yes, you have to blame pitchers but they're young and don't shake off much. they also throw a lot of pitches with him there for some reason. move to second is good and good hands. below average at blocking plate and put outs at home.
  14. prospects is what it would cost. molina is a money hitter but he sure does gum up the bases- he turns triples into singles- and you always have to start runners with him at bat. average behind the plate.
  15. i always felt that strahan made him better than he was- that was exposed when he went to indy. i would say (here we go) Jim Fassel deserved a ring.
  16. fringe

    Jason Bay

    i dont know what they want for him nor his contract situation. just know he's a solid performer.
  17. fringe

    Jason Bay

    if i were welcome on this section, i'd agree. guy's a stud.
  18. 11pm after a game is the middle of the night?
  19. what you're saying is true, but if NO had sweetened the pot on draft day, jeremy would have been eating beignets and sipping chicory on april 28th.
  20. i disagree- strahan's a big loss and it will be felt in all facets- the run defense and short passing (screens) game, especially. as well as leadership. i don't think tuck has those instincts yet.
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