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Everything posted by fringe

  1. if david wright were batting 360 with 101 rbi in 4th place you'd be singing a whole different tune, jimmy boy. you are definitely a homer. but that's ok, just try not to be such a wordy one.
  2. damn straight- we could use some thump. the splash hit sign hasn't moved since barry left.
  3. i was thinking that's going to royally piss someone off, fantasy wise. especially if they were going up against westbrook.
  4. not sure, both are equally mean and unnecessary, but i forgive you.
  5. yes and if people would just obey all the laws we wouldn't need policemen. peace and love, lubey.
  6. i should know that- it was my 'go to' song for last call at the disco. that or last dance by donna summer.
  7. isn't everyone hitting .900 against the rangers?
  8. Tonight it looked like Westbrook's head was going to get yanked off. I guess the rule was changed to try and dissuade touching the face mask at all and prevent serious injury. I think it may have the opposite effect. If a defender found his hands inadvertently on a face mask last year, he'd know he may save 10 yards by letting go. This year, he may say wtf, and give it a yank, get his money's worth.
  9. we'd both prefer neither of those events to happen. my feeling is that while high average hitters look for balls they can put in play... sluggers for the most part look for balls they can drive. they are mistake hitters essentially. naturally, they are going to strike out more because they may get only one pitch that they feel is hittable during an at bat. with runners on, they should be a bit less selective and i think based on howard's rbi total, he must be. there are exceptions to this, of course. vlad, for example, will hit anything from his nose to his toes.
  10. wasn't shining star by the commodores?
  11. i know he doesn't wear a p on his shirt so he's under your radar but take a gander : BA HR RBI OBP SLG .360 33 101 .465 .650
  12. no wonder the mets forum impeached you
  13. Let's hope they remember the 21st night of september.
  14. i know what you meant by productive - i was saying that the baseball gods deem that giving up 2 outs for a run is not and that is why you don't get credited with an rbi. first and 3rd - no out, i'd rather a strikeout than a dp. and 95% of the time, i want my power hitter (not that we have one) swinging away.
  15. as a manger, with runners on 1st and 3rd- 1 out, would you want your power hitter to choke up and shorten his swing when he has 2 strikes- just put the ball in play? (i'm not challenging you, there's 2 philosophies here, neither is right or wrong) * a dp is never a productive out, that's why you don't get a rbi even if a run scores.
  16. we're just talking baseball, man. i agree pujols is the guy- i would also take howard on my team in a new york second. i'd trade cain for him.
  17. double plays are worse. i know you say put the ball in play and shit happens but sluggers hit loud grounders that turn into dp's. if a guy with a good eye strikes out because he didn't get a pitch that he could elevate then you tip your hat to the pitcher-in my opinion.
  18. no that's true- but less destructive than a double play. and, if a slugger can work the count and make the pitcher work high stress for 7 or 8 pitches than the K is eventually productive.
  19. if you're talking about the mvp, i've already said that.
  20. strikeouts don't bother me- they're just outs. with his other numbers, you can't worry about the strikeouts.
  21. that was something- my friend said 'same spiral he gets righty'
  22. what's the "umm" for? please do your pondering before writing your sentence. as the other poster said, that average is too low for mvp consideration but he's definitely the mvp of the phils.
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