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Everything posted by fringe

  1. actually- i don't have any jersey. but that would be a good one for this game. hey, maybe i'll be sitting near brenda
  2. are you saying my blue warner 13 won't be received well?
  3. if they don't have to pay him much, it's an ok signing.
  4. that's the problem- we're so good now- it's boring to hear the droning of the dissenting views. there's no substance there.
  5. Let's all chip in and pay the fine for Tuck.
  6. QB's should wear these (Human airbags)
  7. the idiot is referring to the fact that i pm'd him once to tell him that i agree with him that pittsburgh was even with the giants. something i also put on the thread itself. i guess that makes me a coward in shitdog's cheap vodka polluted eyes.
  8. we need more people in the NFL like joey porter and nnandi asamwa ( spelling corrections gladly accepted)
  9. as Mariucci would say "Bummer"
  10. there were quite a few on this board who wanted deangelo hall last spring.
  11. he's a cagy old vet who knows he has caught lightning in a bottle- Leinhardt's a screw up, great receivers, terrible division. like cunningham in '98
  12. i would agree with joey porter- what looked like a money grab became a re-birth.
  13. giants have always leaned toward big school and intelligence with differing levels of success.
  14. i agree on moss but what's the sense of having 2 kickers? ( unless one kicked daluiso-esque kickoffs. )
  15. he's in the top 5 all time of punters with 2 first names.
  16. yea he got bailed out in the 1st Q on a real stinker by an off sides penalty.
  17. until ray guy gets in, no punter does.
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