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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Mike Martz was canned today.
  2. he had randy moss and chris carter- all he did was tell randall cunningham to throw the ball high and deep- genius! then, going to the ravens with this billing, his offenses were pretty much offensive. my personal dislike is for how he threw fassell under the bus.
  3. you two should make a new year's resolution to be kinder and gentler with each other.
  4. i'd have a big problem with billick in blue.
  5. fringe


    i'd much rather coach Detroit than Washington.
  6. i made it up- yes i would like that deal.
  7. eagles excel in bad weather. the dome may spell their doom.
  8. that's because they are getting Matt Cain for Miguel Cabrera.
  9. i agree- he got happy feet a couple of times- who could blame him with his history and the second string in there vs their regulars. he did get decked pretty good once too. but overall, a very good performance- btw, how did he get so tanned?
  10. If you read this article, you can see that Romo feels he's often not put in a position to excel. I tend to agree with him. There's so much satiating of egos and putting out fires that goes on there, they don't have their focus on the game plan. the QB, he's the easy target. http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/36816979.html
  11. Jerry Jones said chemistry is overrated, I guess Deion is parroting the master.
  12. put romo on a cohesive unit like the giants and then you can fairly judge. right now, dallas is the raiders with a bit more talent. bring out the overhead projector, jerry.
  13. best thing for them to do is stockpile as many draft picks as they can to build their core (OL and DL). lots of those types in the draft this year. maybe we can trade them 2 picks for Calvin.
  14. he's been doing that all year- kicking to the 20 outside the numbers and as you said, it's effective.- i don't know why he stopped- i guess they figured he had enough leg in the dome.
  15. i couldn't care less who gets in. bring 'em all on.
  16. He's a dick but I don't think Steinbrenner is a good man by all accounts. Remember, he got banned for life from baseball. You got to do some pretty shitty stuff (like trying to plant dirt on winfield) as an owner to get thrown out of baseball.
  17. you could be right, although i don't think we can judge 'reese's mo' after 2 or 3 off seasons, especially in an area that has been fairly stable up to now. my own feeling is that we need a proven receiver with height to compliment eli's downfield skills.
  18. God, I hope not- my heart couldn't take 40 of those. I'd much prefer him to break Joe Montana's record of 4 super bowl wins.
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