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Everything posted by fringe

  1. yes i do i'm not as senile as you-- none of them were expected to break into the starting lineup and none did. we still need an experienced top flight WR. hicks may be TJ in a few years- we should have taken TJ.
  2. not much- who was the last rookie offensive skill player to make an impact on the giants besides Manning?
  3. sounds like an amy winehouse song.
  4. it still could happen. the browns could take stevie nicks and a 3.
  5. i think janikowski was the highest- 17th pick
  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: all due respect to exit117...
  7. if i were bengie, i wouldn't want to catch zito either. you can only squat for so long. Panda doesn't know any better yet.
  8. i bet she let you keep the dave brown jersey in the settlement.
  9. Bunch was high first rounder and not awful-( great season in '92). Jones was the 5th pick in the draft and awful
  10. Yes, it's been said before by me and Gorilla as well. Kiwi and a 3 , we would do. It's not a question of comparing Kiwi to Edwards- it's a question of need. We need a star WR much more than we need a hybrid DE/OLB.
  11. Toss up: Rocky Thompson or Cedric Jones
  12. i don't see their lineup as that anemic. they've got the quietest superstar in the league in gonzalez, brian giles takes every freakin at bat to 3-2 and the rest are pretty smart with their at bats.
  13. Something will happen- otherwise Archie will demand we trade his boy to San Diego.
  14. Braking news: My front brakes still at 70% and rears are at 80.
  15. my wife loves the stuff- she sneaks it in here and there for me and sometimes it's not too bad. but if i were doing my own meals, i don't think i'd go down that aisle.
  16. that came out wrong- i meant i was stunned by your food of choice.
  17. all i heard was rik ate a tofu burger blah blah blah
  18. whaddayaknow? the twit remembered how to pitch today.
  19. Giants had an awful start when ATT opened too (they were an elite team back then). a nice long road trip made it all better. sure looks like a hitters park though- i used to play little league ball on those grounds, the ball never flew for me. they must have changed the wind patterns,
  20. did it come back as a man wang?
  21. i like this part: Rolling over for Randy Arizona's batters managed one hit against former Diamondbacks ace Randy Johnson. That says a mouthful about the competitive spirit of this club.
  22. how would you know- you've never seen one.
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