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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Used to be, Eli lived for this situation....
  2. Yeah I meant Goodwin the 49 er
  3. Why isnt that a penalty on Goodson? I mean on goodwin
  4. Ogletree s having a great game
  5. Theyve only just now thought of max protect?
  6. I guess we are tanking. Thats the only explanation.
  7. No pass rush- he could order pizza back there
  8. it was deflected by the receiver
  9. Barkley doesnt like the deep cletes. Slowing him down.
  10. The turf has been awful for footing ever since they opened that dump. Bark needs to change shoes
  11. I'm predicting a win for the Giants tonight. 49ers Secondary is probably the worst in the leaugue. If the OL gives any kind of resistance to a mediocre pass rush, Beckham et al should have a field day.
  12. I think this 1 game is an anamoly. Panthers have been good this year and Cam has shown a great deal of maturity.
  13. I don't know about you but in 90 when Marshall and LT made a Montana sandwich and knocked him out of the game, ( and mark collins was unable to pick up the easy fumble), I was sure we would lose. First because of the Giants legacy against 2nd string QBs and secondly because Steve Young and his escapability was poison. Sure enough, he drove them right down the field.
  14. All Webb has to do now is kneel at the Anthem and his legacy will be cemented.
  15. I think theyll look for D. Carr ( not the spelly one) or J. Flacco
  16. My mistake , but Joe didnt win much on his strong arm. Now Jeff George, that was an arm!
  17. I bet Archie Manning was behind the traffic violation.
  18. Joe Montana's a 4 Ring HOF ninja for throwing slants to Jerry Rice.
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