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Everything posted by fringe

  1. i don't think there's anything wrong with him. The defense is more bunched up because we don't have a deep threat.
  2. well we fretted about the long snapper for about 5 years so this is nothing new.
  3. he's a safety valve, not a primary receiver- but he should get rid of the alligator arms- if he's eligible once in a while the ball will find him.
  4. hixon is the best returner. - i agree bradshaw shouldn't be there. nicks may need to spend some time there whenever he's done with this injury.
  5. FIne, he can have a few pass routes. Please put Hixon back on KO and punt returns.
  6. how about vinateri? he missed a chippy today too- in a dome. shit happens
  7. like seven inches from the mid day sun....
  8. as gorilla already said, if he had copped a plea, he would've gotten 6 months, 4 with good behavior. he chose to go almost to trial and still got the low end sentence.
  9. as the poet beretta said: "don't do the crime if you can't do the time"
  10. you said " is it a ghetto?" i don't speak dittonese. to answer your properly phrased question: no,it was in a ethnically diverse community.
  11. there was a 2 year minimum sentence, right?
  12. by the fruit of another....
  13. jerry is like al davis- he's threatened by people smarter than him.
  14. For an undrafted Division 1-AA, it's safe to say he has exceeded expectation.
  15. the one he came to was PS 31 in the South Bronx and he couldn't speak much English.
  16. the Yankees were heading in the direction the Mets are, Id just stop watching baseball.
  17. not really. back to the topic at hand- people who give up on their teams when they're down are losers or yankee fans.
  18. For someone who doesn't watch the NL, you sure have strong opinions.
  19. I honestly think he's a good QB. He's got at best an average coaching staff who are puppets to a meddlesome owner- and this year he's got a below average receiving corp. He threw some bad passes, sure- but Eli has done that too. It's easy to point to him as a scapegoat but put him on a well coached, good organization and he'd flourish.
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