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Everything posted by fringe

  1. i know it's fashionable to blame gilbride ( although when money asks who else you want everyone clams up) but you're grasping at straws here.
  2. the other guy who said it was on coughlin- i agree- especially the last drive. first of all, I think he should have gone for it on 4th and goal. even if we don't make it, they have a long field and you're putting trust in the defense (which had just come of a spectacular series) to make a play. 3 points did very little. secondly, he should have called a timeout for the defense to catch it's breath. it was clear that SD had enough time so we could have used a timeout to get the proper matchups and give the guys a blow. wasted opportunity.
  3. feagles sucks too. he was giving them a short field all game.
  4. oh you were being sarcastic- pardon me, i only read the title and thought you were like the others.
  5. 29 runs/ 33 passes- a balanced attack.- a 10 minute drive including 3 3rd down conversions- yeah, gilbride's the problem
  6. a scoreless tie would be nice.
  7. expected that. how were you able to paste the map?
  8. Ladanian Tomlinson is no Leonard Weaver
  9. You mean those figures are false? phew, thanks because if those were true and you guys spent A BILLION DOLLARS more than any other team in this decade, i was gonna say you should have more to show for it.
  10. HOLY SHIT! In 2002, the Yankees spent $17 million more in payroll than any other team. In 2003, the Yankees spent $35 million more in payroll than any other team. In 2004, the Yankees spent $57 million more in payroll than any other team. I mean, it's ridiculous from the start but this is pure absurdity. Basically, this is like the Yankees saying: "OK, let's spend exactly as much as the second-highest payroll in baseball. OK, we're spending exactly as much. And now ... let's add the Oakland A's. No, I mean let's add their whole team, the whole payroll, add it on top and let's play some ball!" In 2005, the Yankees spent $85 million more than any other team. Not a misprint. Eight five. In 2006, the Yankees spent $74 million more than any other team. In 2007, the Yankees spent $40 million more than any other team -- cutbacks, you know. In 2008, the Yankees spent $72 million more than any other team. In 2009, the Yankees spent $52 million more than any other team. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/joe_posnanski/11/05/yankees.payroll/index.html#ixzz0W7DjJ8EK Get a free NFL Team Jacket and Tee with SI Subscription
  11. Probably not until mid season unless someone blows them away. That whole fiasco cost JP RIccardi his job.
  12. LOL. Freakin Yankee Fans- can't even celebrate a victory without feeling guilty.
  13. the difference between 1 and 6 is vast- plus we paid for our ballpark. anyway i'm not hating. just keeping it real. with your advantage, it's really a wonder you don't win every year.
  14. I'd take either of them if the contracts are reasonable. Whomever said 1 year contracts doesn't know baseball. These guys will want 3 years as this is their last one.
  15. anthony panacea? Haven't seen him since high school...
  16. yea- that was the message.
  17. If past seasons have taught us anything, there's no real pattern with flawed teams like ours. As it is now is not a good indication of how it will be. We do know that every team in the division, except the Skins, are inconsistent.
  18. or just listen to the dulcet tones of Jon Miller on radio.
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