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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Great, now the JETS are interested in Marshall. More and more, it looks like the first trophy in that new stadium is going to be in the green room.
  2. That's pretty sarcastic, doctor dog. you know full well 3 receivers can get ample playing time in the giants scheme.
  3. and to all those who think ramses barden is a can't miss- you base that on what exactly? his college days at the Receiver factory- Cal Poly?
  4. Marshall Plan- I like that. Who said anything about taking Steve Smith off the field? The odd man out would probably be Manningham.
  5. oh never mind- it's these eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSMW4Gwi0y0
  6. heh you went to hit "R" and you hit "M" by mistake.
  7. i don't know about sidney sheldon. i thought dolan had a lot to do with it. either way, it would've been great. but it would've forced the relocation of dozens of hookers that prey on the javitz crowd so pass.
  8. it's all explained in the thread. take some time and read it.
  9. agreed- except if we get 2nd, we have to play a cleaning crew to wash all the green slime out of the stands. but we're used to that.
  10. whoever they can bring in that warrants double coverage, jack is fine with me. don't get all caught up in the stats minutia. but in marshall's defense, kyle orton is not exactly john elway. tight end type? jack if you want to look at body measurements as a decider of position, you should've been a baseball scout in the 60's. maybe you were.
  11. his routes don't seem too crisp. again, if we had a deep threat, the middle would be more open for him. as it stands now we have 4 receivers who specialize in 10 yard curls (that's an exaggeration, but you get my drift).
  12. i don't think boss is that good- average receiver, average blocker.
  13. disappointment, yes. but not a bust. he can still be a star. giants will need plenty of turnovers from ross and friends next season.
  14. wow- did you read the comments? what a bunch of negative nancys.
  15. Add a deep threat like Marshall to the arsenal he has now and Eli is MVP of the league. Not only that, Jacobs/ Bradshaw would have a year like Jacobs/ Ward did in '08. And how does Marshall fix the O-Line? by giving them less guys to block. addition by subtraction. And no one said we shouldn't draft LB's- of the guys you mentioned, how many were 1st round besides LT?
  16. is there any giants fan left in the world that needs more proof of that?
  17. see you're judging smith unfairly as you say others did carr. smith never had weapons, went thru 3 different HC's, like 18 different OC's- questionable line, etc. maybe he's a talented QB that never got a break. i actually think he sucks but based on the carr philosophy...... true about the merlot week.
  18. people in SF still think Carr sucks. most of them are not happy about the signing. anderson just fell apart then he FU'd all over the browns fans on his way out- no thanks. i'm fine with sorgi- i might have some for lunch today with a nice merlot.
  19. baskett would be interesting just to have his wife at the games - but nah, still marshall.
  20. if the choice is between having a guy that has had chances and proves he sucks as opposed to having a guy who hasn't had the chance yet, i probably would take the latter.
  21. Brandon Marshall in Blue would demolish some defenses in the NFC East.
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