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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Eli played hurt too. First we knew about it, second: Those guys sucked it up and performed.
  2. back in the day, I used to think that Charlie Weiss was Parcells slightly retarded brother. he was always standing behind bill and he looked slow.
  3. Emmett faked the whole thing. Seriously though in Bavaro's novel, he talks a lot about playing hurt. Fiction but some rang true.
  4. we all said it......
  5. either you wrote this drunk or you need reading glasses.
  6. it's obvious from the name what kind of girl miss 'packer' is. (she ain't no saint)
  7. i thought you only watch the volley ball scene?
  8. well i certainly hope it works out. me, i'd much rather have someone football ready at #1 than a project. especially considering how much the D will suffer this year. mario williams was a unquestioned #2 pick of draft.
  9. it was a golden age. my old man had a restaurant/bar further down on 149th st. so he had all the stadium cops eating on the cuff there. they would just take me in thru the press gate for giants games then i'd have to find a seat or stand. my dad had seats.
  10. i peaked too early, MJ.
  11. There was a luncheonette called Val's on my street which served as our after school baby sitter. MOM: I'll be out shopping, when you get off the bus go to Val's and eat something. Every morning during football season, we'd walk in there while waiting for the school bus and the Giants would be eating breakfast. Bill Swain, Bobby Crespino, Katcavage, Homer Jones, Robustelli. Homer Jones once dropped a perfect spiral I threw to him. OF course he had his dry cleaning in one hand.
  12. yup, late 60's, early 70's. i lived right behind the center field wall.
  13. Giants hitting coach now
  14. Fritz Peterson and Doc Medich exchanged wives. nuff said about that. Rizutto was cool, he used to drink at the yankee tavern. Horace Clarke was a cool guy too. Whitey was an ass, (so is Reggie, but who didn't know that) The NY Giants always took time to talk and play with the kids in the neighborhood. Yankees walked by like Hollywood actors. Only Horace Clarke and Pepitone sometimes hung out.
  15. lol, can't use the "more rings" argument, C. it just doesn't fly anywhere outside of yankee land. and i can name a lot of yankees who were assholes too. whitey ford opened his drunken potty mouth on my 8 year old ears a few times.
  16. Nettles was ok, Brett was better.
  17. agreed. plax is history. brandon marshall is the future!
  18. i actually remember him. RIP, Mr. Hand
  19. Don't forget Wrongway Moss
  20. i think the most we can hope for- if he makes the team- is some cameo goal line appearances.
  21. i thought his middle name was 'cover'
  22. good one! i have to tell my 49er fan friends that. his response: did jim burt pile on as well?
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