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Everything posted by fringe

  1. It certainly is not a sign of good player evaluation or coaching.
  2. It just doesnt matter, Drizz
  3. yeah st the beginning of the season Id agree but hes come around. Must be the magic of Gruden What else would be more important at 1 than a QB who can take the reigns seamlessly?
  4. He’s getting a lot better. Look at his last 5 games. He’s back in form.
  5. Oh was Crampest talking about us? That passive aggressively went right over my head. Probably because it had nothing to do with the topic.
  6. Yup, but if Derek Carr becomes available, we should make the move.
  7. I think he’d take 1 play from the Super Bowl last year as proof of concept.
  8. Meanwhile Yankees looking to acquire Syndegard in a multi team trade. Theyd make him get a haircut?
  9. and I agree with their strategy although the season is lost anyway.
  10. The hands team in that situation is the wrong strategy you need the *get your head in there and bite someone if you need to just get the fing football * team
  11. Yeah its worse than depending on OBJ to grab an onside kick.
  12. Could happen but I doubt it. No one has any real source.
  13. I was showing a home and came across this: https://ibb.co/SKSFF95 I'm sure Hugh would appreciate it.
  14. Good to get some basebsll talk in, regardless. I don't know where Hugh has been.
  15. “Let's be frank: The elections of Jack Morris, Lee Smith, and (especially) Harold Baines are fully intended by voters to troll everyone who believes in objective analysis. They've lost power everywhere but here, but by God they're gonna use it. Embarrassing to Hall (or should be).”
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