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Everything posted by fringe

  1. it was clear to all except you, wiener, that they all said this in retirement, looking back on their career. it's not a big surprise. even the games they won, were wars and both teams paid a high physical price. i'm sure most of the giants would say the same about the 9ers. i don't know where you were back then, but it's pretty obvious that these 2 teams were the most consistent power houses of the mid to late 80's in the NFC. oh, and stop being a prick.
  2. he probably did but it didn't prove his argument so he preferred to go with a ridiculous premise. his spelling has improved though. baby steps.....
  3. rare footage- he didn't roll right and throw to greg comella for a gain of 1
  4. no, that actually played to LT's strength. but he did waste 2 draft picks trying to find a guy like megget.
  5. how did the bears swing 4th and 5th pick in the draft?
  6. Bill Walsh said he feared the Giants the most. So did Montana and Lott. But why believe those guys.
  7. i find it cathartic. you look at the past, it makes the future a whole lot brighter.
  8. that's the one. and you know that washed up statue QB on the eagles that day? he later became the even more washed up giants QB.
  9. #1 draft pick and that #24, tucker fredrickson? guess who the giants passed up to get him. i'll give you a hint: he wore #40.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9UsI2SAQQ8 This was the game where Cosell was drunk on air and slurred his words throughout the first half. Most of it was edited out here. Don't watch the 4th Q unless you're Dayne.
  11. i thought expectations were high. that's why it was shocking to start 0 for 2.5.
  12. They said when they handed him the phone on the sidelines, he ordered a pizza. the amazing thing about that play was mark collins failed to cover that fumble- steve young marched it right down the field until LT did his thing on Roger Craig.
  13. giants coveted sherrard in the draft- i forgot which year- and everyone knew it. 49ers had the pick before the giants and walsh traded it to dallas so that the giants didn't get him. then he broke his leg twice i think with the cowboys.
  14. 92? I don't think so. he was drafted in '87. so i guess he just missed sweeney.
  15. definitely on my all time favorite giants list. wasn't kevin sweeny his QB in Fresno State?
  16. a former Fresno State bulldog
  17. i fully endorse this statement. it goes to the fact that the front office felt (and still feels) that what worked in the last half of '07 is the formula to build on for the future. That is, a dominant DL trumps all. First mistake is a good coaching staff can get around a dominant DL if the back 7 are weak. Second mistake, this is not a dominant DL.
  18. this is eli's coming out year. Parcells also said "Get me that tall franchise receiver from Denver"
  19. yeah but, he's not a miracle worker. you're only as good as your players. there's a big ? around this whole D. but the offense could be fantastic! we could be the new colts.
  20. i hope you're right but realistically, i don't see it. it will be 'bend don't break' at best.
  21. i don't expect much from this defense in terms of domination. if he can make them opportunistic and disciplined, it's the most we can ask for. the offense will have to carry the load this year.
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