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Everything posted by fringe

  1. special teams is an important part of the game. when you put sub par people back there, you get sub par- maybe disastrous results. darrel green fielded punts his whole career- was he not important on D? we're going to need field position because most likely the D will be giving up yards. put the best guy there, not a reuben drougns clone.
  2. so was Osi's injury- maybe we should just play scrubs all pre.
  3. tiki barber fielded punts well into his starting days. sehorn got injured- it happens. you can't put a curse on the return game forever.
  4. way to go out on the limb
  5. i'm with you- i would enjoy very much him hitting less homers. the lesser the better!
  6. much as i don't like it, he genuinely belongs in the 600 club. everyone in there belongs except sosa.
  7. if he plays 7 more years healthy, he needs to average 24- that's quite doable.
  8. bonds hit his 600th towards the end of '02 when he was already 38. then he got to 700 by '04. If ARod averages 25-30 per season until he's 40, he'll get to 700- the rest depends on how long he wants to play.
  9. without a giants logo- i can get the hat anywhere. I'll take that outcme
  10. yeah you're right. he's got a good fold there. sheridan never had a fold like that.
  11. Thanks! wait- it doesn't look the same- his is contoured around the ears-more desert like- that one pictured has a straight brim.
  12. LOL, Alex should wear a bracelet that lights up with the initials "WWJD' -(What would Jeets do)?- before he opens his mouth.
  13. oh we takin bout practice? not a game...not a game.... practice?
  14. I didn't know he's played spectacularly at times- That's good to hear- Can you show examples?
  15. Boss is as tall, isn't he? I still think barden needs some polish. he's a long shot for this season.
  16. don't you remember? the pharoh Ramses of Obispo will part the red zone and deliver us to the promised land between the uprights.
  17. I agree that Favre is a drama queen. But the Vikings are culpable in their inactivity. They should have picked up a McNabb or a Campbell or even the Rapist when he was being shopped around. That would have gotten Favre in camp,tout de suite. Right now he can dangle them however he wants. They already offered him a 3 mill raise because of a text message. Their fall back plan is tavaris or Sage- that's idiotic.
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