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Everything posted by fringe

  1. really? are we bringing in all new guys? if he really said that, that's a ridiculous statement. i could see saying you've been playing a little vanilla.
  2. just a sample of the profound and original insight we'll be expecting from dogbreath this season.
  3. the same people who say gruden took dungy's team to the super bowl are now saying dungy took peyton's team to the super bowl. just cause he doesn't like cussin.
  4. the difference is favre soaks it up ( i think he actually tries to look older than 41) and brees doesn't seem to want it.
  5. any good baseball owner knows you give out free tix, you get your name in the paper and you make it back in concessions.
  6. Yahoo Sports NFC East Predictions. Farrar: New York Giants. Logic tells the prognosticators that the Eagles will take this thing, but I'm not drinking the Kevin Kolb Kool-Aid yet. And the Cowboys' offensive line is just asking for trouble. The Redskins are in radical rehaul mode, so I have to give this division to the Giants by default. Chase: New York Giants. The Eagles' offense is about as intimidating as the French army. The Cowboys still have Wade Phillips as coach. And the Redskins? Don't get me started on the Redskins.
  7. that's surprising. historically, the mets are the only baseball team in NY that do their part for the community. i guess that's fallen apart as well.
  8. you can pat yourself on the back on that one ( unless mom's around to do it) eventually an athlete's talent will erode and your prediction will come true. with an RB , 4- 5 years is a safe bet. when you said it though, you were premature. guess that's nothing new.
  9. namath was enshrined as much for his impact on the league (which is unquestioned) as his career (which you can question i guess). thing about namath is , he looked cool even while throwing 7 interceptions in 1 game. never a cooler player in the NFL.
  10. i'll challenge that. carson was looked upon by many as the best of a bad team. and that made him look better than he was. tiki was a star of the league. consistently one of the top 10 players. your argument is, as you say, mooted.
  11. yeah troy did get pulled down hard by the hair at least once. what bothers me more is baseball players who wear their ratty hats and helmets till they disintegrate. i.e. posada, linceum, all of the 2004 sox...... i can see wearing it thru a hot streak but when the streaks over, burn that thing.
  12. lol, players will tell you that the NFL does all they can to prevent individuality. i recall warren sapp saying that was the real impetus for the 15 yard helmet removal penalty. i think he had a point. so the hair is a statement for some. i'd still take troy polamalu on my team any day.
  13. lol, he's available for birthday parties. he's coming as the purple drank. beats the crap out of barney as far as purple inspired characters go.
  14. don't sleep on the raiders this year. they won't be the laughing stock they've been.
  15. all true- except i don't think tuck wants to be a vocal leader. maybe rolle or boley.
  16. i think strahan had a beef. veteran status allows some privileges. coughlin thought so as well as he changed his style in that sense.
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