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Everything posted by fringe

  1. they'll keep him until the bye. if he's still got the yips, he's gone.
  2. are you kidding me?- punters are a dime a dozen. and don't start with he's the holder too. he's like Lucy out there.
  3. This is a poor comparison . Jim Brown never said that Milt Plum was a wimpy leader or that Blanton Coller was losing control of his team. No, when he left he started shtupping Raquel Welch.
  4. tiki barber was a great RB and he deserves to be celebrated for his achievements. tiki barber is/was a narcissist who was a divisive teammate and in retirement has taken pot shots at his team in the media. Two things can be equally true. His "hidden" agenda gives him no credibility when reporting on the Giants and therefore anything he says (even this which was pretty harmless and true) will be taken in a negative bent. It's the price you pay for being a prick. Lastly, this is really poor timing for someone who is scheduled to get honored on Sunday. He could have written about this next week.
  5. that's execution and coaching- the talent is there. unlike the D.
  6. if the phillies keep spanking the braves, we both get in, right?
  7. no fear we got the 126 million dollar man going in to wrap it up today.
  8. not yet. they still have 2 chances to make the playoffs.
  9. with atlanta losing so it think we clinched the wild card.
  10. i agree to a point but the offense can still be super.
  11. I expected more from you- some grace. you dissapoint me amigo. better hope your team wins this year. this is their swan song for a while.
  12. Hugh Gereckshun, on 20 January 2010 - 07:20 AM, said: well, this is good for the mets and bad for the giants. oh, those giants cant seem to do anything right. Sabean has to be the worst gm in the game...and it really isnt even close. I feel bad for you blu..Id rather look at madusa than look at that giants line up for 162 games. <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">blunatic, on 20 January 2010 - 09:38 AM, said: don't cry for me, havana- we'll be in the playoffs this year. oh huey- you have some splainin to do.
  13. ray rice hasn't done much yet.
  14. Schaub- and get rid of one QB - it'll drive you crazy. (Btw my combined record for FFL= 3-6)
  15. whatever- jacobs was a 3rd round ( i think) draft pick that paid dividends. you and shitdog certainly didn't write any new material at your summer love nest. shall we talk about some under achieving cowboys RB now?
  16. we'll save romo for another thread. speaking of not backing down from wrong statements........Bad Welcher has returned.
  17. the reason your bold prediction of a big RB losing some steam after 5 seasons (brilliant, I must say- nostradamus got nothing on you) stands out in your mind is because not much else you have predicted is correct. all those other ignorant perceptions of yours get muddled in your pitiful existence of failure ( like that one!)
  18. Bravo, now should we talk about all of the "forcasts" you got wrong, genius?
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