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Everything posted by fringe

  1. we got ecksteined and spezioed into slow death.
  2. that's a really low blow, hugh, when you start mentioning 2002 Angels. now i need a drink.
  3. i'm uptight how? where? ignorant would be saying molina is terrible when by your own metrics he was above average when you started this ridiculous smear campaign. i don't hate the yankees players, i think they're very good ballplayers- but any player you talk to would tell you it's a big difference when you have guys around you who can rake. why, they would say you have to be ignorant not to get that. Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams, Knoblach, Tino, O'neil- pretty formidable core when you compare them to the likes of: Winn, Lewis, Panda. Burris, Reneria. Stick that in your OPS and smoke it. stats are for agents and nose pickers. watch the game that's in front of you and enjoy it.
  4. You're such a condescending prick. The reason we don't agree is because you live and breathe Yankees. Btw, do they have OPS stats on ESPN?
  5. Never liked his style. Of course with the murderers row lineup, Bengie would have had much better numbers and Turtle on the Giants (god forbid) would have been much worse indeed. Considering he batted cleanup on a Sahara of hitting team in a pitchers park, he's more than respectable. Wtf is OPS
  6. by your logic then Posada must be a great baseball player.
  7. he handles pitchers well and he doesn't go to the mound 10 times an inning like turtle boy. i'd rather have him if I'm an AL team. IN the NL , he was clogging up the bases a little too much. I'll stay above the personal shots.
  8. i think he meant ugly for the cowboys. probably be an ugly game for both teams.
  9. Woah- Bengie Molina 3 for 4 and a big fly.
  10. if the guy can punt, i don't care what he does in the off season.
  11. well aren't you miss fancy pants?
  12. you'd do it for $20 and a vodka rocks
  13. That's what you get for $5o million, cheapo.
  14. i guess some QB's need the right system to thrive. In retrospect, it must have been hard for Warner in the Giants system. Why else would he look so bad here and so good in Az? (besides talent at receiver, that is)
  15. well they try to turn the ball over as often as possible but sometimes the damn thing sticks.
  16. when did he boom, exactly? and there's a place for punters not ready for prime time- it's called the CFL.
  17. what's this have to do with Gallery?
  18. that just means they owe him money and they don't want him working for anyone else.
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