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Everything posted by fringe

  1. they have linebackers. ever since i complimented goff, he's looked lost.
  2. yea i don't know how wise it is having peppers covering jackson in the flat.
  3. wow, i lucked out. i get to stay home with the hivey wife instead of bloody marys and blonde cocktail waitresses in short shorts. woo hoo
  4. There's a leap. Given his history of back issues and depression, I think he's already done more than they expected.
  5. I liked him when Marino was throwing to him and Duper.
  6. some people like to dwell on the negative. he has been as spectacular this season as he has been careless. he's having a favre kind of season. high risk/high reward. i don't like to count the tips- as eli said "if i keep the ball down, they don't get tipped" also then you have to discount the TD passes that were the result of great individual effort of the receiver. Like a screen that goes for a TD. He'll never be a 'surgeon' with the ball but he makes up for that in great instinct and field management. Easily the best QB in the NFC east and still underrated nationally.
  7. Fact is most of the intake haven't hurt. Not saying he should keep doing it. And besides that the offense has been pretty damn good That's how they've been able to overcome the TO's
  8. They are 61% and 7th in the league in Red Zone Td's Last year they were 48% which would be 22nd in the league right now, a vast improvement. Again, you evade the issue and attack the ancillary so you agree.
  9. you just said the giants get in at 9-7. is this a different seph?
  10. But we didn't- and we shouldn't have been throwing the ball in the first place. You're jabbing at my theory but not really disputing it. All in all, his interceptions haven't hurt us. And if you're going to point out the startling number of int's, you have to also point out the startling number of TD passes. And how our red zone issues have virtually disappeared this year.
  11. granted- is that your only beef with the argument? i mean i don't remember panicking after most of his int's. The one at the goal line may have been the worst. Maybe there was one in the Titans game as well.
  12. if there is such a thing as good interceptions, they've mostly been of that ilk. 8 of he 16 came in games the giants won. And there hasn't been a game where he's had less TD passes than int's. The number is startling, for sure. But there's only been 1 or 2 game changers that I recall.
  13. Have a good one, oldDog Make sure you put your teeth in before you venture out.
  14. That's just ridiculous. If that's true, Boss hasn't run the correct route since he's been here. If a D is playing zone, the WR is supposed to move into the hole in the zone, not a particular distance. Eli is not that robotic.
  15. not unusual you don't recall the things you said, with your advanced age and all. More importantly, when you have no stance except to be contrary, your position changes depending on the stance of those you want to argue with. It's a typical case study of manic depressive behavior. When the Giants and Broncos were both 5-0 last year, you said the Broncos were a true 5-0 team and they had a bright future. Since then they've won, what? 3 games? Brilliant prognostication, dogfart.
  16. we're always more critical of our own. if you went to SD or NO sites, you'd see the same crap. you'd probably see shitdog trolling those sites too.
  17. yeah you said it, you even tried to back track after you did. not surprising you'd deny it. . but then, you also said the broncos were a solid team, how old are you, past middle age i think. i recall you spoke of going to an old folks island somewhere, yes?
  18. grow some balls and i'll discuss with you. till then, i'll treat you like the troll you are. some of the guys on this board like to agree with you once in a while. makes them feel magnanimous or contrary (you can look that up on line). I'm not one of them. You have an agenda to be contrary to giants fans. It makes your pitiful existence a little less pitiful. like thinking sad people are funny, which you admitted the other day. So, I treat you like the filthy, lonely, unintelligent drone you are.
  19. i slink? your whole presence here is one big slink. you're like a slinky- in fact people love watching you fall down stairs. i've forgotten more about football then you'll ever know. I don't waste it arguing with people like you with an agenda and no testicles. i do notice that you spell check after i correct you. do it all the time, people won't notice you're such an idiot until the second paragraph. take care lonely guy. enjoy the hungry man turkey dinner.
  20. it was not my intention to make your point. a conditioning coach has control of these guys about 5 hours a week.
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